通过 CI/CD 部署 Teams Toolkit 应用程序失败,并出现“此命令仅适用于 Teams Toolkit 创建的项目”错误

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我的 MS Teams 应用程序(聊天机器人)在本地、测试工具和 Azure 中配置、部署和运行良好。

因此,我决定最终更进一步,设置 CI/CD,因为我已经为所有其他项目设置了它。然而,这是我第一次为 Node.js 项目设置 CI/CD。

我正在按照有关如何使用 Azure DevOps 设置管道的说明进行操作,但是使用以下命令执行 npx teamsapp deploy


Starting: Deploy to Azure ============================================================================== Task : Command line Description : Run a command line script using Bash on Linux and macOS and cmd.exe on Windows Version : 2.237.1 Author : Microsoft Corporation Help : https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/utility/command-line ============================================================================== Generating script. ========================== Starting Command Output =========================== /usr/bin/bash --noprofile --norc /home/vsts/work/_temp/45easss6-ddd-4c39-9b3c-xxx.sh (✖) Error: coordinator.InvalidProjectError: This command only works for project created by Teams Toolkit. ##[error]Bash exited with code '1'. Finishing: Deploy to Azure

teamsapp.yml 对于 Teams Toolkit 应用程序来说非常标准,所以我不确定为什么部署脚本会认为该项目不是由 Teams Toolkit 创建的?

使用的 YAML 管道代码:

trigger: - dev pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest variables: TEAMSAPP_CLI_VERSION: 3.0.0 steps: - task: NodeTool@0 inputs: versionSpec: "20" checkLatest: true - script: | npm install @microsoft/teamsapp-cli@$(TEAMSAPP_CLI_VERSION) displayName: "Install CLI" - script: | npx teamsapp auth login azure --username $(AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID) \ --service-principal true \ --tenant $(AZURE_TENANT_ID) \ --password $(AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_SECRET) \ --interactive false displayName: "Login to Azure by service principal" - script: | npx teamsapp deploy \ --ignore-env-file true \ --interactive false displayName: "Deploy to Azure" workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) - script: | npx teamsapp package displayName: "Package app" workingDirectory: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) - publish: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/appPackage/build/appPackage.zip artifact: artifact

# Triggered when 'teamsfx deploy' is executed deploy: # Run npm command - uses: cli/runNpmCommand name: install dependencies with: args: install - uses: cli/runNpmCommand name: build app with: args: run build --if-present # Deploy your application to Azure App Service using the zip deploy feature. # For additional details, refer to https://aka.ms/zip-deploy-to-app-services. - uses: azureAppService/zipDeploy with: # Deploy base folder artifactFolder: . # Ignore file location, leave blank will ignore nothing ignoreFile: .webappignore # The resource id of the cloud resource to be deployed to. # This key will be generated by arm/deploy action automatically. # You can replace it with your existing Azure Resource id # or add it to your environment variable file. resourceId: ${{BOT_AZURE_APP_SERVICE_RESOURCE_ID}}
npm azure-pipelines microsoft-teams npx teams-toolkit



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