从Outlook中的附加excel或gmail到Google表格(VBA /脚本)-可能吗?

问题描述 投票:-1回答:1



我正在Google Data Studio和Google工作表中使用仪表板/模板,为了使此工作顺利进行,我需要将数据从excel工作表自动传输到我的Google工作表中。这有可能吗?



有什么想法吗?感谢所有帮助。谢谢!注意:我还没有足够的经验来从头开始编写VBA / APP脚本。

excel vba google-apps-script google-sheets outlook-vba

Q: OP询问:是否可以将作为Outlook附件接收的Excel电子表格传输到Google驱动器,然后将其更新为Google表格格式?



2-在Google云端硬盘中创建一个文件夹(或文件夹/子文件夹),可以在其中保存Excel电子表格。这可以手动完成或通过脚本完成。 “手动”更容易,“按脚本”更有趣并且提供更大的灵活性。



如评论中所述,此主题以前曾以一种或另一种形式提出过很多次:Is there any google API which could save gmail message attachments to google drive?Convert all xls files available in a folder into “Google Doc Spreadsheets”?是两个很好的例子。 Google搜索将在StackOverflow和其他来源上揭示许多其他主题。


[不幸的是,在GmailToDrive()的2018年1月答复中提供了出色的Is there any google API which could save gmail message attachments to google drive?功能。 Google Advanced Drive Service和Drive API在2018年发生了变化,而出色的答案现在是最后一个障碍。



该代码应设置为时间驱动的可安装触发器。频率因情况而异。 OP可以自己进行评估。还有其他资料可以解释这一点。

Drive API

OP必须激活Drive API(高级服务以及Google Cloud Platform API仪表板)。为了清楚起见,此答案的末尾简要介绍了步骤。


// Array of file extension which you would like to extract to Drive
var fileTypesToExtract = ['xls', 'xlsx', 'xlsm'];

//Name of the folders in google drive in which files will be put
var homeFolder = "009-StackExchange"; // a folder branching from the root
var ExcelFolderName = "010-GmailToDrive"; // sub folder of "homeFolder"

//Name of the label which will be applied after processing the mail message
var emaillabelName = 'GmailToDrive';

function so54755021()
// an adaptation of function GmailToDrive()

  //build query to search emails
  var query = '';

  // loop through the filestoextract and add to query
  for (var i in fileTypesToExtract) {
    query += (query == '' ? ('filename:' + fileTypesToExtract[i]) : (' OR filename:' + fileTypesToExtract[i]));
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: #01 the query is: " + query); //DEBUG

  query = 'in:inbox has:nouserlabels ' + query;
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: #02 the query is: " + query); //DEBUG

  var threads = GmailApp.search(query);
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: threads = " + threads + "; threads length = " + threads.length); //DEBUG

  var label = getGmailLabel_(emaillabelName);
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: label = " + label); //DEBUG (GmailToDrive)

  var parentFolder;

  if (threads.length > 0) {
    //Logger.log("DEBUG: threads length is more than zero");//DEBUG

    //Logger.log("DEBUG: folder name = " + folderName); //DEBUG  
    //parentFolder = getFolder_(folderName); // subroutine

    // build sub-folder if necessary
    createDriveFolder(homeFolder, ExcelFolderName);
    parentFolder = homeFolder;


  for (var i in threads) {
    var mesgs = threads[i].getMessages();
    for (var j in mesgs) {
      //get attachments
      var attachments = mesgs[j].getAttachments();
      for (var k in attachments) {
        var attachment = attachments[k];
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: attachment: " + attachment);//DEBUG

        var isExcelType = checkIfExcel_(attachment);
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: isExceltype = " + isExcelType);//DEBUG

        if (!isExcelType) continue;

        // Copy the Blob
        var attachmentBlob = attachment.copyBlob();
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: attachmentblob = " + attachmentBlob);//DEBUG

        var ExcelFolderObject = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(ExcelFolderName).next();

        //Create the Excel file in Google Drive
        var file = ExcelFolderObject.createFile(attachmentBlob);

        // get the file name and ID
        var fileid = file.getId();
        var filename = file.getName();
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: file = " + file + ", and ID = " + fileid + ", and file name: " + filename);//DEBUG
        var fileType = file.getMimeType()
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: the MIME type is " + fileType);//DEBUG

        // copy the Blob again in preparation for conversion
        var xBlob = file.getBlob();

        // get the folder ID to copy the file
        var folderId = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(ExcelFolderName).next().getId();

        // set parameters for the new file
        var newFile = {
          title: filename + '_converted',
          key: fileid,
          parents: [{
            "id": folderId


        // convert the file
        var convfile = Drive.Files.insert(newFile, xBlob, {
          convert: true
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: the converted file is " + convfile);//DEBUG


    // Add the label to the Gmail item

// If necessary, create the label in GMail
function getGmailLabel_(name) {
  var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(name);
  if (label == null) {
    label = GmailApp.createLabel(name);
  return label;

function createDriveFolder(baseFolder, folderName) {

  var baseFolderObject = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(baseFolder).next();
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: basefolderobject = " + baseFolderObject);//DEBUG
  var folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(baseFolder).next().getFolders();
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: folders: "+folders);//DEBUG

  // set variable to detect a match
  var foldermatch = 0;

  //Loop through folders
  while (folders.hasNext()) {

    var folder = folders.next();
    //Logger.log(DEBUG: folder.getName());//DEBUG

    // If the folder name matches
    if (folder.getName() == folderName) {

      // update the match variable
      foldermatch = 1;
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: there's a match/folder exists: " + folder.getName());//DEBUG

  // Do something is there is a match
  if (foldermatch != 0) {
    //Logger.log("DEBUG: There was a match so do NOTHING");//DEBUG

  } else {
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: There was no match so create the folder"); //DEBUG

  // The folder already existed, or it has been created. Either way, our work is done.

// this function will check for filextension type.
// and return boolean
function checkIfExcel_(attachment) {
  var fileName = attachment.getName();
  var temp = fileName.split('.');
  var fileExtension = temp[temp.length - 1].toLowerCase();
  if (fileTypesToExtract.indexOf(fileExtension) != -1) return true;
  else return false;


1-从脚本编辑器中,选择资源>高级Google服务;选择云端硬盘API,然后将开关滑动至开启。Advanced Google Services

2-单击指向“ Google Cloud Platform API仪表板”的链接]

3-Google Cloud Platform-API和服务屏幕在新窗口中打开。点击链接以启用API和服务Google Cloud Platform - Enable APIs and Services

4-搜索“驱动器”,然后单击驱动器API的选项。Search for "drive"

5-单击Drive API的“启用”按钮enter image description here

6-系统将显示Drive API详细信息;请注意,驱动器API已启用。然后关闭此窗口。the Drive API is enabled


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