import subprocess
import os
##saisie du numero de dossier
compostage = str(input('Numero : '))
volume = ('C:')
dossierPrincipal = ('''\\test\\''')
slash = '\\'
# Directory
directory = compostage
# Parent Directory path
parent_dir = "C:/test/"
#We make only one var for the func
myPath = parent_dir + directory
# Path
path = os.path.join(myPath)
##We create a condition to be sure te folder is created
if not os.path.exists(path):
##We inform the user of the creation of the folder
print("Directory '% s' well created" % path)
elif os.path.exists(path):
##We inform the user that the folder in question already exists
print("Directory '% s' already exists" % path)
##We build the entire path
pathComplet = str(volume+dossierPrincipal+compostage)
##Path verification
##Variable Construction
commandeOuverture = str('('+("""r'explorer """)+'"'+myPath+'"'')')
##Directory verification
print ('La commande est : ', commandeOuverture)
##We open the folder using Popen
subprocess.Popen([commandeOuverture], shell=True)
##We open the folder using Popen if the command above doesn't work
#subprocess.Popen(r'explorer "C:\test\"')
输出为:The specified path was not found.