我有JSON数组,我想根据ID对数组进行排序,我正在使用self.sortedArray(using:aa as![NSSortDescriptor]),但它无法正确地对数组进行降序排序。例如,它基于数字对数组进行排序-ID999897302101100129012891287任何人都可以帮助我,在此先感谢。
And Array is -
arrayServiceArea: (
EastLong = "-93.75794140624993";
NorthLat = "39.05409190054223";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = TS;
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 99;
ServiceAreaName = TestSeviceAreaNew;
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WestLong = "-98.6441171875";
EastLong = "76.84724704787368";
NorthLat = "30.72677630183756";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = "D to I gate 1";
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 98;
ServiceAreaName = "D to I gate 1";
SouthLat = "30.722258145962442";
WestLong = "76.84287406394131";
EastLong = "76.84724704787368";
NorthLat = "30.72677630183756";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = "D to I gate 1";
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 97
ServiceAreaName = "Damco to DT Mall";
SouthLat = "30.722258145962442";
WestLong = "76.84287406394131";
EastLong = "76.84724704787368";
NorthLat = "30.72677630183756";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = "D to I gate 1";
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 30
ServiceAreaName = "Damco to DT Mall";
SouthLat = "30.722258145962442";
WestLong = "76.84287406394131";
EastLong = "76.84724704787368";
NorthLat = "30.72677630183756";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = "D to I gate 1";
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 2
ServiceAreaName = "Damco to DT Mall";
SouthLat = "30.722258145962442";
WestLong = "76.84287406394131";
EastLong = "76.84724704787368";
NorthLat = "30.72677630183756";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = "D to I gate 1";
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 101
ServiceAreaName = "Damco to DT Mall";
SouthLat = "30.722258145962442";
WestLong = "76.84287406394131";
EastLong = "76.84724704787368";
NorthLat = "30.72677630183756";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = "D to I gate 1";
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 100
ServiceAreaName = "Damco to DT Mall";
SouthLat = "30.722258145962442";
WestLong = "76.84287406394131";
}, {
EastLong = "76.84724704787368";
NorthLat = "30.72677630183756";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = "D to I gate 1";
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 1290
ServiceAreaName = "Damco to DT Mall";
SouthLat = "30.722258145962442";
WestLong = "76.84287406394131";
}, {
EastLong = "76.84724704787368";
NorthLat = "30.72677630183756";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = "D to I gate 1";
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 1289
ServiceAreaName = "Damco to DT Mall";
SouthLat = "30.722258145962442";
WestLong = "76.84287406394131";
EastLong = "76.84724704787368";
NorthLat = "30.72677630183756";
ServiceAreaBroughtBy = "D to I gate 1";
ServiceAreaEnabled = 1;
ServiceAreaID = 1287
ServiceAreaName = "Damco to DT Mall";
SouthLat = "30.722258145962442";
WestLong = "76.84287406394131";