section .data
real1: dq 25.665544
real2: dq 10.000
section .text
global _start
fld qword [real1] ; load real1 in the float stack, st0
fld qword [real2] ; st0 now holds real2, real1 in st1
fmul st0, st1 ; st0 *= st1
fstp qword [real1] ; save st0 in real1 and pop, real1 has the result
fstp qword [real2] ; save st1 in real2 and pop, float stack is empty
mov rbx, qword real1 ; store the address of real1 in rbx
mov rax, 1
int 80h
编译程序并运行后,我执行了“ echo $?”查看其返回值。嗯,它在我的终端上显示224,但是我希望看到类似内存地址的内容,我相信它最后会保存在rbx中。也许我的期望是错误的。您能说明发生了什么吗?