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java algorithm animation libgdx

如果您使用 libGDX 中的 Animation 类,您可以使用这些方法(来自 API):



public void draw(float deltaTime) {
    stateTime += deltaTime;

有关如何使用 libGDX 动画的进一步介绍,请参阅本教程

在我的一个项目中,我使用包装类来实现一些附加功能。如果你想使用它,你可以在 GitHub 上找到它,或者使用它的当前版本:


import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Animation;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Animation.PlayMode;

import net.jfabricationgames.gdx.screens.game.GameScreen;

import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.SpriteBatch;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.TextureRegion;

public class AnimationDirector<T extends TextureRegion> {
    public static boolean isTextureRight(boolean initialAnimationDirectionIsRight, AnimationDirector<TextureRegion> animation) {
        return initialAnimationDirectionIsRight != animation.getKeyFrame().isFlipX();
    public static boolean isTextureLeft(boolean initialAnimationDirectionIsRight, AnimationDirector<TextureRegion> animation) {
        return initialAnimationDirectionIsRight == animation.getKeyFrame().isFlipX();
    private float stateTime;
    private Animation<T> animation;
    private AnimationSpriteConfig spriteConfig;
    public AnimationDirector(Animation<T> animation) {
        this.animation = animation;
    protected void initializeSpriteConfigWithoutPosition() {
        T keyFrame = animation.getKeyFrame(0);
        spriteConfig = new AnimationSpriteConfig().setWidth(keyFrame.getRegionWidth()).setHeight(keyFrame.getRegionHeight());
     * Draw the current key frame of this animation onto the {@link SpriteBatch}.<br>
     * ATTENTION: This method will throw an {@link IllegalStateException} if this AnimationDirector does not contain an AnimationSpriteConfig object.
    public void draw(SpriteBatch batch) {
        if (spriteConfig == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No AnimationSpriteConfig. Please add an AnimationSpriteConfig in order to use the draw method");
        T keyFrame = getKeyFrame();
        float x = spriteConfig.x + ((spriteConfig.width - keyFrame.getRegionWidth()) * GameScreen.WORLD_TO_SCREEN * 0.5f);
        float y = spriteConfig.y + ((spriteConfig.height - keyFrame.getRegionHeight()) * GameScreen.WORLD_TO_SCREEN * 0.5f);
        batch.draw(keyFrame, x, y, spriteConfig.width * 0.5f, spriteConfig.height * 0.5f, keyFrame.getRegionWidth(), keyFrame.getRegionHeight(),
                GameScreen.WORLD_TO_SCREEN, GameScreen.WORLD_TO_SCREEN, 0f);
    public void drawInMenu(SpriteBatch batch) {
        if (spriteConfig == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No AnimationSpriteConfig. Please add an AnimationSpriteConfig in order to use the draw method");
        T keyFrame = getKeyFrame();
        batch.draw(keyFrame, spriteConfig.x, spriteConfig.y, spriteConfig.width, spriteConfig.height);
     * Get the frame at the current time.
    public T getKeyFrame() {
        return animation.getKeyFrame(stateTime);
    public float getStateTime() {
        return stateTime;
    public void increaseStateTime(float delta) {
        stateTime += delta;
    public void setStateTime(float stateTime) {
        this.stateTime = stateTime;
     * Reset the state time to 0 to restart the animation.
    public void resetStateTime() {
        stateTime = 0;
     * Set the animation state time to the end of the animation.
    public void endAnimation() {
        stateTime = animation.getAnimationDuration();
    public void setPlayMode(PlayMode playMode) {
     * Get the {@link Animation} that this object holds.
    public Animation<T> getAnimation() {
        return animation;
    public boolean isAnimationFinished() {
        return animation.isAnimationFinished(stateTime);
    public float getAnimationDuration() {
        return animation.getAnimationDuration();
     * Flip all key frames of the animation.
    public void flip(boolean x, boolean y) {
        for (TextureRegion region : animation.getKeyFrames()) {
            region.flip(x, y);
    public AnimationSpriteConfig getSpriteConfig() {
        return spriteConfig;
    public void setSpriteConfig(AnimationSpriteConfig spriteConfig) {
        this.spriteConfig = spriteConfig;
    public AnimationSpriteConfig getSpriteConfigCopy() {
        return new AnimationSpriteConfig(spriteConfig);


import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Sprite;

public class AnimationSpriteConfig {
    public static AnimationSpriteConfig fromSprite(Sprite sprite) {
        AnimationSpriteConfig spriteConfig = new AnimationSpriteConfig();
        spriteConfig.width = sprite.getWidth();
        spriteConfig.height = sprite.getHeight();
        spriteConfig.x = sprite.getX();
        spriteConfig.y = sprite.getY();
        return spriteConfig;
    public AnimationSpriteConfig() {}
    public AnimationSpriteConfig(AnimationSpriteConfig spriteConfig) {
        this.x = spriteConfig.x;
        this.y = spriteConfig.y;
        this.width = spriteConfig.width;
        this.height = spriteConfig.height;
    public float x;
    public float y;
    public float width;
    public float height;
    public AnimationSpriteConfig setX(float x) {
        this.x = x;
        return this;
    public AnimationSpriteConfig setY(float y) {
        this.y = y;
        return this;
    public AnimationSpriteConfig setWidth(float width) {
        this.width = width;
        return this;
    public AnimationSpriteConfig setHeight(float height) {
        this.height = height;
        return this;
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