我应该使用 scanner.util 因为使用了 joptionpane

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我目前正在使用 joptionpane 构建一个几何程序。解析而不是使用 import java.scanner.util 会方便吗?我正在使用开关盒来列出形状和功能

public class 

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
       //ask user name 
        String user = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter name please: ");
       //list the menu using a switch case
           //ask user for list of shape choice 
           String choice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Greetings" + user + "Please choose from shapes below\n"+
                   "5. Triangle\n"+
                   "7.Rectangular solid\n"+
                   "9.Right Circular Cylinder\n"+
                   "11.Right Circular Cone\n"+
                   "12.Square Pyramid\n"+
                   "13.Right Circular Cone Frustum\n"+
                   "14.End the program\n");
           //switch case that get the 13  shapes
               case "1": 
                   double length = get_Length();
                   double width = get_Width();
                   double calcArea  = calcAreaOfRectangle(length, width);
               case "2": 
                   double side = get_Side();
                   double calcSq = calcSquare(side);
                   Square(side, calcSq);
               case "3":
                   double pLength = get_Length();
                   double height = get_Height();
                   double calcPArea = calcParallelogram(pLength, height);
               case "4":
                   double tHeight = get_Height();
                   double base1 = get_Base();
                   double base2 = get_Base2();
                   double calcTArea = calcTrapezoid(tHeight, base1, base2);
                   Trapezoid(tHeight, base1, base2, calcTArea);
               case "5":
                   double triangleH = get_Height();
                   double baseTriangle = get_Base();
                   double calcTriangle = calcTriangle(triangleH, baseTriangle);
                   Triangle(triangleH, baseTriangle, calcTriangle);
               case "6":
                   double radius = get_Radius();
                   double calcCircle= calcCircle(radius);
                   Circle( radius, calcCircle);
               case "7":
                   double rLength = get_Length();
                   double rWidth = get_Width();
                   double rHeight = get_Height();
                   double calcRectSolid = calcRectSolid(rLength,rWidth, rHeight);
               case "8":
                   double sideCube = get_Side();
                   double calcCube = calcCube(sideCube);
               case "9":
                   double cylinderRadius = get_Radius();
                   double cylinderHeight = get_Height();
                   double calcRightCylinder = calcRightCylinder(cylinderRadius,cylinderHeight);
               case "10":
                   double sphereRadius = get_Radius();
                   double calcSphere = calcSphere(sphereRadius);
               case "11":
                   double coneRadius = get_Radius();
                   double coneHeight = get_Height();
                   double calcCone = calcCone(coneRadius, coneHeight);
                case "12":
                    double squareLength = get_Length();
                    double squareWidth = get_Width();
                    double squareHeight = get_Height();
                    double calcSquarePyramid = calcSquarePyramid(squareLength,squareWidth,squareHeight);
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Wrong option please choose 1-4");
    public static double get_Length(){
       //user input the length 
       double length;
       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
       length = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter length:"));
       //length = scnr.nextDouble();
       return length;//return the lenght also 
    public static double get_Width(){
        double width;
        Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
        width = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter width:"));
        //width = scnr.nextDouble();
        return width;
    public static double get_Height(){
        double height;
         Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
        height = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter height:"));
        //height = scnr.nextDouble();
        return height;
    public static double get_Side(){
        double side; 
         Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
        side = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter side:"));
        //side= scnr.nextDouble();
        return side;
    public static double get_Base(){
        double base;
        Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
        base = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter base:"));
        //base = scnr.nextDouble();
        return base;
    public static double get_Base2(){
        double base2;
        Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
        base2 = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter base2: "));
        //base2 = scnr.nextDouble();
        return base2;
    public static double get_Radius(){
        double radius;
        Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
        radius = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter radius:"));
        //radius = scnr.nextDouble();
        return radius;
    public static double calcAreaOfRectangle(double length, double width){
        double calcArea;
        Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);
        calcArea = scnr.nextDouble();
        //The length must  be greater than the width else display area 
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The length must be greater than the width");
        else {
            //display the area 
            calcArea = length * width;
        return calcArea; 
    public static double calcSquare(double side){
        double calcSq; 
        calcSq = Math.pow(side,2);
        return calcSq;    
    public static double calcParallelogram(double pLength, double height){
        double calcPArea ; 
        calcPArea = pLength * height;
        return calcPArea;
    public static double calcTrapezoid(double tHeight, double base1, double base2){
        //height times base1 plus base2 
        double calcTArea;
        calcTArea = (1.0/2.0)* tHeight +(base1+base2);
        return calcTArea;
    public static double calcTriangle(double triangleH, double baseTriangle){
        double calcTriangle;
        calcTriangle = (1.0/2.0)* baseTriangle * triangleH;
        return calcTriangle;
    public static double calcCircle(double radius){
        double calcCircle; 
        calcCircle = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,
        return calcCircle;
    public static double calcRectSolid(double rLength,double rWidth,double rHeight ){
        double calcRectSolid; 
        calcRectSolid = rLength * rWidth * rHeight;
        return calcRectSolid;
    public static double calcCube(double sideCube){
        double calcCube;
        calcCube = Math.pow(sideCube,
        return calcCube;
    public static double calcRightCylinder(double cylinderRadius,double cylinderHeight){
        double calcRightCylinder; 
        calcRightCylinder = Math.PI * Math.pow(cylinderRadius, 2) * cylinderHeight;
        return calcRightCylinder; 
    public static double calcSphere(double sphereRadius){
        double calcSphere;
        calcSphere = (4.0/3.0) *Math.PI *  Math.pow(sphereRadius,3);
        return calcSphere;
    public static double calcCone(double coneRadius, double coneHeight){
        double calcCone;
        calcCone = (1.0/3.0) *Math.PI *Math.pow(coneRadius,2)*coneHeight;
        return calcCone;
    public static double calcSquarePyramid(double squareLength,double squareWidth, double squareHeight){
        double calcSquarePyramid;
        calcSquarePyramid = (1.0/3.0)*squareLength*squareWidth*squareHeight;
        return calcSquarePyramid;
    //display areaofSquare
    public static void Rectangle(double length, double width,double calcArea){
        //display the area of square
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The area of rectangle is " + calcArea);
    public static void Square(double side, double calcSq){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The area of square is " + calcSq);
    public static void Parallelogram(double pLength,double height,double calcPArea){
        //display area 
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The area of paralleogram is " + calcPArea);
    public static void Trapezoid(double tHeight, double base1, double base2, double calcT){
        //display area of trapezoid 
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The area of trapezoid is " + calcT);
    public static void Triangle(double triangleH,double baseTriangle, double calcTriangle ){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The area of triangle is " + calcTriangle);
    public static void Circle(double radius,double calcCircle){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The area of circle is " + calcCircle);
    public static void RectangularSolid(double rLength, double rWidth,double rHeight,double calcRectSolid){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The area of rectangular solid " + calcRectSolid);
    public static void Cube(double sideCube, double calcCube){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Area of cube is " + calcCube);
    public static void RightCylinder(double cylinderRadius,double cylinderHeight,double calcRightCylinder){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"ARea of right cylinder is" + calcRightCylinder);
    public static void Sphere(double sphereRadius, double calcSphere){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Area of sphere is " + calcSphere);
    public static void CircularCone(double coneRadius, double coneHeight,double calcCone){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Area of circular cone is " + calcCone);
    public static void SquarePyramid(double squareLength,double squareWidth, double squareHeight,double calcSquarePyramid){
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Area of square pyramid is " + calcSquarePyramid);


java joptionpane
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