Tensorflow GPU 错误:model.fit() 时 Dst 张量未初始化

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

当vgg16迁移学习模型正在拟合时。张量流抛出错误。每个图像补丁都是 224x224 RGB,约为 602KB(使用 float32。根据公式 vRAM/补丁大小/4,最大批量大小约为 5000)。 Ubuntu 24 上的 RTX 4070 Super 上的 GPU vRAM 为 12GB :

    2024-09-23 05:49:25.162827: I external/local_tsl/tsl/framework/bfc_allocator.cc:1112] Sum Total of in-use chunks: 3.76GiB
2024-09-23 05:49:25.162840: I external/local_tsl/tsl/framework/bfc_allocator.cc:1114] Total bytes in pool: 10671489024 memory_limit_: 10671489024 available bytes: 0 curr_region_allocation_bytes_: 21342978048
2024-09-23 05:49:25.162860: I external/local_tsl/tsl/framework/bfc_allocator.cc:1119] Stats: 
Limit:                     10671489024
InUse:                      4039777024
MaxInUse:                   4091143936
NumAllocs:                         215
MaxAllocSize:               3507001344
Reserved:                            0
PeakReserved:                        0
LargestFreeBlock:                    0

2024-09-23 05:49:25.162904: W external/local_tsl/tsl/framework/bfc_allocator.cc:499] ***************************************_____________________________________________________________
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/aiworker9/code/py/aimodels/common/prepare_data_vgg16.py", line 363, in <module>
    scores, history = model_fit_image_label_array(
  File "/home/aiworker9/code/py/aimodels/common/prepare_data_vgg16.py", line 260, in model_fit_image_label_array
    history = model.fit(
  File "/home/aiworker9/code/py/myenv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/keras/src/utils/traceback_utils.py", line 122, in error_handler
    raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None
  File "/home/aiworker9/code/py/myenv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/constant_op.py", line 108, in convert_to_eager_tensor
    return ops.EagerTensor(value, ctx.device_name, dtype)
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InternalError: Failed copying input tensor from /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 in order to run _EagerConst: Dst tensor is not initialized.


  1. 将 model.fit() 和 data.batch 的批量大小减少到 1 倍

  2. 添加了一些GPU内存管理代码:

    import os
    os.environ['TF_GPU_ALLOCATOR'] = 'cuda_malloc_async'  #reduce memory    fragmentation.
    #clear gpu memory
    #reduce memory footprint. nvidia gpu related
    os.environ['XLA_FLAGS'] = '--xla_gpu_strict_conv_algorithm_picker=false'
    from tensorflow.keras import mixed_precision
    #reduce GPU memory
    gpus = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
    if gpus:
            for gpu in gpus:
                tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True)
        except RuntimeError as e:

这是 model.fit() 的代码:

def model_fit_image_label_array(model, train_images, train_label_user_id, train_label_binary, test_images, test_label_user_id, test_label_binary, epochs=10):
    # Setting callbacks
    earlyStopping = EarlyStopping(monitor = 'val_loss', patience = 3, verbose = 0, mode = 'min') # Monitora as épocas e para caso não esteja melhorando
    mcp_save = ModelCheckpoint('best_weights.keras', save_best_only = True, monitor = 'val_loss', mode = 'min') # Salvando a melhor configuração
    reduce_lr_loss = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor = 'val_loss', factor = 0.4, patience = 7, verbose = 1, min_delta = 1e-4, mode = 'auto') # Reduz o learning_rate quando a métrica de avaliação para de melhorar

    # Training model. epochs=1 as it takes long time for each epoch. reach about 99.6% accuracy
    history = model.fit(
        [train_images, train_label_user_id], 
        [train_label_user_id, train_label_binary], 
        batch_size = BATCH_SIZE, #1, 
        epochs = epochs, 
        validation_data = ([test_images, test_label_user_id], [test_label_user_id, test_label_binary]), 
        callbacks = [earlyStopping, mcp_save, reduce_lr_loss]

    # Evaluate model
    eval_results = model.evaluate(
        [test_images, test_label_user_id], 
        [test_label_user_id, test_label_binary], 
  # Unpack based on the number of outputs and metrics
    print(f'\nmodel.fit history keys : {history.history}')
    print(f'\neval_results : {eval_results}')

    return eval_results, history   
  1. 运行 Nvidia-smi。这是崩溃错误前几秒的输出:

enter image description here

我有点没主意了。还有什么办法可以解决 GPU 内存问题?是否有可能整个数据集以某种方式加载到 GPU 内存中,而不是代码中指定的 BATCH_SIZE(此处为 2)?


│ (Embedding)         │                  │           │                   │
│ dropout (Dropout)   │ (None, 256)      │         0 │ dense[0][0]       │
│ flatten_1 (Flatten) │ (None, 150)      │         0 │ embedding[0][0]   │
│ concatenate         │ (None, 406)      │         0 │ dropout[0][0],    │
│ (Concatenate)       │                  │           │ flatten_1[0][0]   │
│ user_output (Dense) │ (None, 3)        │     1,221 │ concatenate[0][0] │
│ binary_output       │ (None, 2)        │       814 │ concatenate[0][0] │
│ (Dense)             │                  │           │                   │
 Total params: 21,139,657 (80.64 MB)
 Trainable params: 6,424,969 (24.51 MB)
 Non-trainable params: 14,714,688 (56.13 MB)


def return_dataset_image_embedding(data, window_size=(224, 224), step_size=112, shuffle_buffer_size=1000, prefetch_buffer_size=1):
    # Example DataFrame
    print("\nBatch size: ", BATCH_SIZE)
    print("\nShuffle Buffer size : ", shuffle_buffer_size)
    print("\nPrefetch Buffer size : ", prefetch_buffer_size)
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    image_paths = './data/'+df['image_id'].values
    label_user_ids = df['label_user_id'].values
    label_binary_flags = df['label_binary_flag'].values

    image_patches, patch_label_user_ids, patch_label_binary_flags = 

    preprocess_image_patches_image_embedding(image_paths, label_user_ids, label_binary_flags, window_size, step_size)

 # Create TensorFlow dataset
        patch_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((image_patches, patch_label_user_ids, patch_label_binary_flags))
  # Shuffle, augment, batch, and prefetch the dataset
  patch_dataset = patch_dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size)  # Shuffle data
  patch_dataset = patch_dataset.map(augment_data_image_embedding)  # Apply augmentation
  patch_dataset = patch_dataset.batch(batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)  # Create batches
  patch_dataset = patch_dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=prefetch_buffer_size)  # reduce gpu memory usage
   return patch_dataset


  1. 尝试进一步减小批量大小 但我发现,由于您已经尝试批量大小为 1,请确保代码的其他部分没有增加批量大小或增加内存负载。

  2. 使用混合精度训练 您已经在使用混合精度与mixed_ precision.set_global_policy('mixed_float16')。确保您的模型和优化器与混合精度兼容。如果遇到问题,请考虑暂时禁用混合精度,看看它是否会影响内存使用。

  3. 训练前清除 GPU 内存 您已经在使用 tf.keras.backend.clear_session() 来清除会话。您可以在训练代码开始时调用此函数,以在加载模型之前释放内存。

  4. 限制 GPU 内存增长 您已经通过以下方式设置内存增长:

tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(GPU,True) 另一个好方法是确保这是在任何模型处理之前执行的代码。

  1. 检查内存泄漏 确保您的数据集没有将所有图像加载到内存中。检查 return_dataset_image_embedding 函数以确保它只处理一批图像。

  2. 调整预取或缓冲区大小 您当前正在使用:

patch_dataset = patch_dataset.prefetch(buffer_size=prefetch_buffer_size) 考虑将 prefetch_buffer_size 增加到更大的数字,以实现更好的数据管道性能。

  1. 配置文件内存使用情况 使用 TensorFlow 分析工具监控内存使用情况。您可以使用 TensorBoard 启用分析。

  2. 正确使用tf.data 一个示例 - 如果您的数据集适合内存,则在 .shuffle() 之后使用 .cache(),这可能会提高性能。


  • 使用 nvidia-smi 监控训练时的 GPU 内存使用情况。
  • 尝试合并较小的输入图像 VGG16 期望 224x224 输入,我们仍然可以尝试较小的尺寸。


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