namespace CommonLibs
internal class FileUtil
public static bool OpenFile(out string ResultPath, string FileName, string InitialDirectory = null, string Filter = "AllFiles(*.*)|*.*", int? FilterIndex = null, bool CheckFileExists = true, bool CheckPathExists = true)
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
// get the entry assembly
var asm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
var asmName = asm.GetName().Name;
var settings = asm.GetType(asmName + ".Properties.Settings");
// (some code to deal with 'Default' in the settings type : I'm not aware of)
// use the 'LastOpenPath' setting for default path
InitialDirectory = InitialDirectory ?? settings.Default.LastOpenPath;
FilterIndex = FilterIndex ?? settings.Default.LastFilterIndex;
FilterIndex = FilterIndex < 0 ? 1 : FilterIndex;
FilterIndex = FilterIndex < 0 ? 1 : FilterIndex;
ofd.FileName = FileName;
ofd.InitialDirectory = InitialDirectory;
ofd.Filter = Filter;
ofd.FilterIndex = FilterIndex.GetValueOrDefault(1);
ofd.CheckFileExists = CheckFileExists;
ofd.CheckPathExists = CheckPathExists;
ResultPath = "";
项目 | 假设 |
公共库 | 测试 |
项目1 | 使用 |
项目2 | 使用 |
项目3 | 使用 |
... |
姓名 | 图佩 | 范围 | 价值 |
... | |||
最后打开路径 | 绳子 | 用户 | “C:\” |
最后过滤器索引 | int | 用户 | 1 |
... |
我找到了如何访问 EntryAssembly 中的类型。(运行时程序集?)
public static bool OpenFile(out string ResultPath, string FileName, string InitialDirectory = null, string Filter = "すべてのファイル(*.*)|*.*", int? FilterIndex = null, bool CheckFileExists = true, bool CheckPathExists = true)
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
// get the executing assembly
var asm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
var asmName = asm.GetName().Name;
var settings = asm.GetType(asmName + ".Properties.Settings");
var Default_Type = settings.GetProperty("Default");
var Default = Default_Type.GetValue(null);
var LastOpenPath_PropInfo = Default_Type.PropertyType.GetProperty("LastOpenPath");
var LastFilterIndex_PropInfo = Default_Type.PropertyType.GetProperty("LastFilterIndex");
var Save_MethodInfo = Default.GetType().GetMethod("Save");
var LastOpenPath = LastOpenPath_PropInfo.GetValue(Default);
var LastFilterIndex = LastFilterIndex_PropInfo.GetValue(Default);
// use the 'LastOpenPath' setting for default path
InitialDirectory = InitialDirectory ?? LastOpenPath as string;
FilterIndex = FilterIndex ?? LastFilterIndex as int?;
FilterIndex = FilterIndex < 0 ? 1 : FilterIndex;
ofd.FileName = FileName;
ofd.InitialDirectory = InitialDirectory;
ofd.Filter = Filter;
ofd.FilterIndex = FilterIndex.GetValueOrDefault(1);
ofd.CheckFileExists = CheckFileExists;
ofd.CheckPathExists = CheckPathExists;
ResultPath = "";
//show dialog
if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true)
// return the fullname path only when click 'OK' button
ResultPath = ofd.FileName;
FilterIndex = ofd.FilterIndex;
// reflesh the last path and index infomation
LastOpenPath_PropInfo.SetValue(Default, ResultPath);
LastFilterIndex_PropInfo.SetValue(Default, FilterIndex);
//Settings.Default.LastOpenPath = ResultPath;
//Settings.Default.LastFilterIndex = FilterIndex.GetValueOrDefault(1);
Save_MethodInfo.Invoke(Default, null);
return true;
return false;