将 .docx 文件附加到节点中的另一个 .docx 文件

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有两个文件:doc1.docx 和 doc2.docx

有谁知道如何以编程方式将 doc2 附加到 doc1 的末尾?假设 doc1 是模板首页,doc2 是数据页。因此,最终产品应该是 mergeddoc.docx ,它看起来像 doc1 然后是 doc2 又名第 1 页上的首页和第 2 页上的数据页。在 word 中,我猜你会使用插入工具添加到文档中。

我觉得这应该不难,但我已经为这个问题绞尽脑汁大约三天了。如果这是一个难题,有人知道解决方法吗?我知道你可以用 python 做这样的事情但是这是最好的解决方案吗?


我尝试使用.docx,但它没有合并功能 “docx-merger”基本上不受支持并且已经过时 - 除非我丢失了某些东西,否则不会运行此功能 docx-templates 对我不起作用,也没有功能。


const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const os = require("os"); const createReport = require("docx-templates").default; const saveDocument = (buffer, patientData) => { try { const downloadsPath = path.join(os.homedir(), "Downloads"); const filename = `Report_${patientData.forename}_${ patientData.surname }_${Date.now()}.docx`; const filePath = path.join(downloadsPath, filename); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, buffer); return filePath; } catch (error) { console.error("Error in saveDocument:", error); throw error; } }; const generateDocument = async (data) => { try { console.log("Starting document generation..."); const selectedGenes = data.selectedGenes; const geneData = data.geneData; const bloodResults = { testDetails: { lab: data.bloodsDetails.sendingApplication, receivedInLab: data.bloodsDetails.receivingFacility, patientId: data.bloodPatientID, }, results: data.bloodResults, }; const basicData = { patientData: data.patientData, clinician: data.clinicianIdentity, }; const complaints = data.patientComplaints; const utilsData = { time: data.time, geneCount: data.selectedGenes.length, countBloodTests: data.bloodResults.length, }; console.log("Data prepared:", { selectedGenes, geneData, bloodResults, basicData, complaints, utilsData, }); const templatePath = path.join( __dirname, "../templates/base_template.docx" ); if (!fs.existsSync(templatePath)) { throw new Error(`Template file not found at path: ${templatePath}`); } console.log(`Base template found at ${templatePath}`); const template = fs.readFileSync(templatePath); const dataForTemplate = { selectedGenes: [], geneData, bloodResults, basicData, complaints, utilsData, }; for (const gene of selectedGenes) { const geneName = gene.geneName; console.log(`Processing gene: ${geneName}`); const geneTemplatePath = path.join( __dirname, "../templates/gene_templates", `${geneName}.docx` ); if (!fs.existsSync(geneTemplatePath)) { throw new Error( `Gene template file not found for gene ${geneName} at path: ${geneTemplatePath}` ); } console.log(`Gene template found at ${geneTemplatePath}`); const geneTemplateBuffer = fs.readFileSync(geneTemplatePath); dataForTemplate.selectedGenes.push({ ...gene, genedoc: geneTemplateBuffer, }); } console.log("Data prepared for main template:", dataForTemplate); // Generate the final report const buffer = await createReport({ template, data: dataForTemplate, noSandbox: true, additionalJsContext: { INS: (buffer) => ({ _type: "rawXml", xml: buffer.toString("utf8"), }), }, }); console.log("Final report generated."); const filePath = saveDocument(buffer, data.patientData); console.log(`Document saved at ${filePath}`); return `Document generated successfully at ${filePath}`; } catch (error) { console.error("Error in generateDocument:", error); return `Error in generateDocument: ${error.message}`; } }; module.exports = { generateDocument, }; if (require.main === module) { (async () => { try { const data = { selectedGenes: [ { geneName: "COMT", rsCode: "rs6311", combined: "TC" }, ], geneData: { COMT: { description: "Catechol-O-methyltransferase gene" }, }, bloodsDetails: { sendingApplication: "Them", receivingFacility: "Us", }, bloodPatientID: "123-4567", bloodResults: [ { testCode: "HTR2A", testName: "HTR2A Test", value: "Positive", units: "blahs", referenceRange: "", }, ], patientData: { patientId: "123-4567", title: "Mrs", forename: "Jane", surname: "Doe", dob: "1999-01-01", sex: "F", }, clinicianIdentity: "Dr Who", patientComplaints: [ "Decreased concentration", "Decreased mental sharpness", ], time: Date.now(), }; const result = await generateDocument(data); console.log(result); } catch (error) { console.error( "Error running generateDocument from command line:", error ); } })(); }

如何在 Golang 中追加 docx 文件:错误的语言
使用 Node 的“Docx”通过 JS 附加到现有 Word 文档:解释了此特定包中的限制


javascript node.js append docx

要使用此方法,您需要安装Python并找到可执行文件的路径。 (例如


您可以使用这个 Python 脚本(不要忘记使用


 安装 python 
pip install docxcompose

from docxcompose.composer import Composer from docx import Document import sys def main(argv): argsCount = len(argv) if argsCount < 2: print("pass 2 filenames: input, output") exit(1) inputPaths = argv[0:argsCount - 1] print("input paths:") print(inputPaths) outputPath = argv[argsCount - 1] print("output path:") print(outputPath) master = False composer = False for inputPath in inputPaths: if master == False: master = Document(inputPath) composer = Composer(master) print("composer created") else: doc = Document(inputPath) composer.append(doc) master.save(outputPath) exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])

import * as childProcess from 'child_process'; import * as path from 'path'; const execCmd = `/usr/bin/python3 ${path.join(__dirname,'script.py')} path_to_doc1.docx path_to_doc2.docx result_file_name.docx` childProcess.execSync(execCmd); // here you can access result_file_name.docx and delete path_to_doc1.docx, path_to_doc2.docx if you need

node main.js

 path_to_doc1.docx 运行此代码,path_to_doc2.docx 将合并到 result_file_name.docx。

然后您可以将 python 和 docxcompose lib 安装添加到 dockerfile 并使用 docker 容器。

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