
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在开发一个用于修改游戏的工具,我想将自定义类型重新制作为 C# 类。该类型有 1 个必需属性和许多其他可选属性。我从 XML 文件中获取了自定义类的所有数据,那么有什么方法可以让这个构造函数变得更好呢?

    public class Item(
         string identifier,
         string? nameIdentifier = null,
         string? fallbackNameIdentifier = null,
         string? descriptionIdentifier = null,
         string? name = null,
         string? aliases = null,
         string? tags = null,
         Item.Categories? category = null,
         bool? allowAsExtraCargo = null,
         float? interactDistance = null,
         float? interactPriority = null,
         bool? interactThroughWalls = null,
         bool? hideConditionBar = null,
         bool? hideConditionInTooltip = null,
         bool? requireBodyInsideTrigger = null,
         bool? requireCursorInsideTrigger = null,
         bool? requireCampaignInteract = null,
         bool? focusOnSelected = null,
         float? offsetOnSelected = null,
         float? health = null,
         bool? allowSellWhenBroken = null,
         bool? indestructible = null,
         bool? damagedByExplosions = null,
         float? explosionDamageMultiplier = null,
         bool? damagedByProjectiles = null,
         bool? damagedByMeleeWeapons = null,
         bool? damagedByRepairTools = null,
         bool? damagedByMonsters = null,
         bool? fireProof = null,
         bool? waterProof = null,
         float? impactTolerance = null,
         float? onDamagedThreshold = null,
         float? sonarSize = null,
         bool? useInHealthInterface = null,
         bool? disableItemUsageWhenSelected = null,
         string? cargoContainerIdentifier = null,
         bool? useContainedSpriteColor = null,
         bool? useContainedInventoryIconColor = null,
         float? addedRepairSpeedMultiplier = null,
         float? addedPickingSpeedMultiplier = null,
         bool? cannotRepairFail = null,
         string? equipConfirmationText = null,
         bool? allowRotatingInEditor = null,
         bool? showContentsInTooltip = null,
         bool? canFlipX = null,
         bool? canFlipY = null,
         bool? isDangerous = null,
         int? maxStackSize = null,
         bool? allowDroppingOnSwap = null,
         bool? resizeHorizontal = null,
         bool? resizeVertical = null,
         string? description = null,
         string? allowedUpgrades = null,
         bool? hideInMenus = null,
         string? subcategory = null,
         bool? linkable = null,
         string? spriteColor = null,
         float? scale = null)
        public enum Categories

        // All of Item attributes
        public required string identifier = identifier;
        public string? nameIdentifier = nameIdentifier;
        public string? fallbackNameIdentifier = fallbackNameIdentifier;
        public string? descriptionIdentifier = descriptionIdentifier;

        public string? name = name;
        public string? aliases = aliases;
        public string? tags = tags;
        public Categories? category = category;

        public bool? allowAsExtraCargo = allowAsExtraCargo;
        public float? interactDistance = interactDistance;
        public float? interactPriority = interactPriority;
        public bool? interactThroughWalls = interactThroughWalls;

        public bool? hideConditionBar = hideConditionBar;
        public bool? hideConditionInTooltip = hideConditionInTooltip;
        public bool? requireBodyInsideTrigger = requireBodyInsideTrigger;
        public bool? requireCursorInsideTrigger = requireCursorInsideTrigger;

        public bool? requireCampaignInteract = requireCampaignInteract;
        public bool? focusOnSelected = focusOnSelected;
        public float? offsetOnSelected = offsetOnSelected;
        public float? health = health;

        public bool? allowSellWhenBroken = allowSellWhenBroken;
        public bool? indestructible = indestructible;
        public bool? damagedByExplosions = damagedByExplosions;
        public float? explosionDamageMultiplier = explosionDamageMultiplier;

        public bool? damagedByProjectiles = damagedByProjectiles;
        public bool? damagedByMeleeWeapons = damagedByMeleeWeapons;
        public bool? damagedByRepairTools = damagedByRepairTools;
        public bool? damagedByMonsters = damagedByMonsters;

        public bool? fireProof = fireProof;
        public bool? waterProof = waterProof;
        public float? impactTolerance = impactTolerance;
        public float? onDamagedThreshold = onDamagedThreshold;

        public float? sonarSize = sonarSize;
        public bool? useInHealthInterface = useInHealthInterface;
        public bool? disableItemUsageWhenSelected = disableItemUsageWhenSelected;
        public string? cargoContainerIdentifier = cargoContainerIdentifier;

        public bool? useContainedSpriteColor = useContainedSpriteColor;
        public bool? useContainedInventoryIconColor = useContainedInventoryIconColor;
        public float? addedRepairSpeedMultiplier = addedRepairSpeedMultiplier;
        public float? addedPickingSpeedMultiplier = addedPickingSpeedMultiplier;

        public bool? cannotRepairFail = cannotRepairFail;
        public string? equipConfirmationText = equipConfirmationText;
        public bool? allowRotatingInEditor = allowRotatingInEditor;
        public bool? showContentsInTooltip = showContentsInTooltip;

        public bool? canFlipX = canFlipX;
        public bool? canFlipY = canFlipY;
        public bool? isDangerous = isDangerous;
        public int? maxStackSize = maxStackSize;

        public bool? allowDroppingOnSwap = allowDroppingOnSwap;
        public bool? resizeHorizontal = resizeHorizontal;
        public bool? resizeVertical = resizeVertical;
        public string? description = description;

        public string? allowedUpgrades = allowedUpgrades;
        public bool? hideInMenus = hideInMenus;
        public string? subcategory = subcategory;
        public bool? linkable = linkable;

        public string? spriteColor = spriteColor;
        public float? scale = scale;

        public List<XmlElement>? children = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets this Item represent
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>XmlElement represent of the Item</returns>
        public XmlElement GetAsXml()
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new();
            XmlElement newItem = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Item");

            foreach(var attr in this.GetType().GetProperties())
                if (attr.GetValue(this, null) != null)
                    newItem.SetAttribute(attr.Name.ToLower(), value: attr.GetValue(this, null).ToString());

            newItem.InnerText = "";

            if (this.children != null)
                foreach (var child in this.children)

            return newItem;




public class ItemData
     public string? nameIdentifier { get; set; } = null;
     public string? fallbackNameIdentifier { get; set; } = null;
     public string? descriptionIdentifier { get; set; } = null;
     public string? name { get; set; } = null;
     public string? aliases { get; set; } = null;
     public string? tags { get; set; } = null;
     public ItemData.Categories? category { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? allowAsExtraCargo { get; set; } = null;
     public float? interactDistance { get; set; } = null;
     public float? interactPriority { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? interactThroughWalls { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? hideConditionBar { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? hideConditionInTooltip { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? requireBodyInsideTrigger { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? requireCursorInsideTrigger { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? requireCampaignInteract { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? focusOnSelected { get; set; } = null;
     public float? offsetOnSelected { get; set; } = null;
     public float? health { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? allowSellWhenBroken { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? indestructible { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? damagedByExplosions { get; set; } = null;
     public float? explosionDamageMultiplier { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? damagedByProjectiles { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? damagedByMeleeWeapons { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? damagedByRepairTools { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? damagedByMonsters { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? fireProof { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? waterProof { get; set; } = null;
     public float? impactTolerance { get; set; } = null;
     public float? onDamagedThreshold { get; set; } = null;
     public float? sonarSize { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? useInHealthInterface { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? disableItemUsageWhenSelected { get; set; } = null;
     public string? cargoContainerIdentifier { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? useContainedSpriteColor { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? useContainedInventoryIconColor { get; set; } = null;
     public float? addedRepairSpeedMultiplier { get; set; } = null;
     public float? addedPickingSpeedMultiplier { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? cannotRepairFail { get; set; } = null;
     public string? equipConfirmationText { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? allowRotatingInEditor { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? showContentsInTooltip { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? canFlipX { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? canFlipY { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? isDangerous { get; set; } = null;
     public int? maxStackSize { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? allowDroppingOnSwap { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? resizeHorizontal { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? resizeVertical { get; set; } = null;
     public string? description { get; set; } = null;
     public string? allowedUpgrades { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? hideInMenus { get; set; } = null;
     public string? subcategory { get; set; } = null;
     public bool? linkable { get; set; } = null;
     public string? spriteColor { get; set; } = null;
     public float? scale { get; set; } = null;

    public enum Categories



 public class Item
     public string Identifier { get; private set; }
     public ItemData OptionalData { get; private set; }
     public List<XmlElement>? Children { get; private set; } = null;
     public Item(string identifier, ItemData optionalData)
         Identifier = identifier;
         OptionalData = optionalData;

         // Get the name
         string? name = OptionalData.name;



public XmlElement GetAsXml()
    XmlDocument xmlDoc = new();
    XmlElement newItem = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Item");

    // Identifier
    PropertyInfo identInfo = this.GetType().GetProperty(nameof(Identifier));
    newItem.SetAttribute(identInfo.Name.ToLower(), value: identInfo.GetValue(this, null).ToString());

    // Optional data attributes
    foreach (var attr in OptionalData.GetType().GetProperties())
        if (attr.GetValue(OptionalData, null) != null)
            newItem.SetAttribute(attr.Name.ToLower(), value: attr.GetValue(OptionalData, null).ToString());

    newItem.InnerText = "";

    if (this.Children != null)
        foreach (var child in this.Children)

    return newItem;


 ItemData itemData = new ItemData();
 itemData.name = "name1";
 itemData.health = 99;
 Item item = new Item("identifier1", itemData);


 XmlElement xml = item.GetAsXml();


<Item identifier="identifier1" name="name1" health="99"></Item>
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