在VBA PowerPoint中调整图像大小

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Sub Slide()

    Dim sld As Slide
    Dim img As Shape

    For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
        For Each img In sld.Shapes

            With img                
                If .Type = msoLinkedPicture _
                Or .Type = msoPicture Then
                   .Left = 100
                   .Top = 100
                End If
            End With

    Next sld

End Sub

Ex: Slide

vba powerpoint powerpoint-vba


Sub OrganizingPicsInPPT()

    'Declare the Variables
    Dim PPTSld As Slide
    Dim PPTImg As Shape
    Dim ShpRng As ShapeRange
    Dim ShpArr() As Variant
    Dim ShpCnt As Integer

    'Loop through all the slides in the Actvie Presentation
    For Each PPTSld In ActivePresentation.Slides

        'Initalize my shape count that will be used in my Shape Array
        ShpCnt = 0

        'Loop through all the Shapes on the current slide
        For Each PPTImg In PPTSld.Shapes

            'If the image is linked or a picture then...
            If PPTImg.Type = msoLinkedPicture Or PPTImg.Type = msoPicture Then

               'Increment the shape count.
               ShpCnt = ShpCnt + 1

               'Resize the array, so it matches the shape count.
               ReDim Preserve ShpArr(1 To ShpCnt)

               'Add the Shape to the Array
               ShpArr(ShpCnt) = PPTImg.Name

            End If

        Next PPTImg

        'Set the Shape Range equal to the array we just created.
        Set ShpRng = PPTSld.Shapes.Range(ShpArr)

        'Set the dimensions of the shapes in the ShapeRange.
        With ShpRng

            .Height = 200
            .Width = 300
            .Left = 100

            .Distribute msoDistributeVertically, msoTrue

            'If the shape count is greater than one, I assume you will wanted it centered to the selected object.
            If ShpCnt > 1 Then
                .Align msoAlignCenters, msoFalse
            End If

        End With

        'Clear the array for the next loop
        Erase ShpArr

    Next PPTSld

End Sub


我鼓励你使用Shape Range,因为我们可以在代码中使用内置方法。

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