Rectangle {
id: root
anchors.fill: parent
color: mainWindow.toGradient
Flickable {
id: flick
anchors.fill: parent
contentWidth: width
contentHeight: height
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
PinchArea {
id: pArea
width: Math.max(flick.contentWidth, flick.width)
height: Math.max(flick.contentHeight, flick.height)
property real initialWidth
property real initialHeight
onPinchStarted: {
initialWidth = flick.contentWidth
initialHeight = flick.contentHeight
onPinchUpdated: {
flick.contentX += pinch.previousCenter.x - pinch.center.x
flick.contentY += pinch.previousCenter.y - pinch.center.y
flick.resizeContent(initialWidth * pinch.scale, initialHeight * pinch.scale, pinch.center)
onPinchFinished: {
Rectangle {
width: flick.contentWidth
height: flick.contentHeight
color: "black"
Image {
anchors.fill: parent
source: "qrc:/image.jpg"
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onDoubleClicked: {
flick.contentWidth = root.width
flick.contentHeight = root.height
Rectangle {
id: root
anchors.fill: parent
color: "black"
Item {
id: photoFrame
width: root.width
height: root.height
Image {
id: image
anchors.fill: parent
source: "image.jpg"
PinchArea {
anchors.fill: parent
pinch.target: photoFrame
pinch.minimumRotation: 0 //Rotation (i guess we don't need to rotate it)
pinch.maximumRotation: 0
pinch.minimumScale: 1 //Minimum zoom for camera
pinch.maximumScale: 4 //Maximum zoom for camera
onPinchUpdated: { //Dont zoom behind border
if(photoFrame.x < dragArea.drag.minimumX)
photoFrame.x = dragArea.drag.minimumX
else if(photoFrame.x > dragArea.drag.maximumX)
photoFrame.x = dragArea.drag.maximumX
if(photoFrame.y < dragArea.drag.minimumY)
photoFrame.y = dragArea.drag.minimumY
else if(photoFrame.y > dragArea.drag.maximumY)
photoFrame.y = dragArea.drag.maximumY
MouseArea {
id: dragArea
hoverEnabled: true
anchors.fill: parent
drag.target: photoFrame
scrollGestureEnabled: false // 2-finger-flick gesture should pass through to the Flickable
drag.minimumX: (root.width - (photoFrame.width * photoFrame.scale))/2
drag.maximumX: -(root.width - (photoFrame.width * photoFrame.scale))/2
drag.minimumY: (root.height - (photoFrame.height * photoFrame.scale))/2
drag.maximumY: -(root.height - (photoFrame.height * photoFrame.scale))/2
onDoubleClicked: { //Reset size and location of camera
photoFrame.x = 0
photoFrame.y = 0
photoFrame.scale = 1
onWheel: {
var scaleBefore = photoFrame.scale
photoFrame.scale += photoFrame.scale * wheel.angleDelta.y / 120 / 10
if(photoFrame.scale < 1)
photoFrame.scale = 1
else if(photoFrame.scale > 4)
photoFrame.scale = 4
if(photoFrame.x < drag.minimumX)//Dont zoom behind border of image
photoFrame.x = drag.minimumX
else if(photoFrame.x > drag.maximumX)
photoFrame.x = drag.maximumX
if(photoFrame.y < drag.minimumY)
photoFrame.y = drag.minimumY
else if(photoFrame.y > drag.maximumY)
photoFrame.y = drag.maximumY