我创建了一个 updatebids.php,在这种情况下,如果一定数量的用户共享相同的赌注,则必须更新为 1 额外的欧元/美元。在图中,即使是同一个用户也可以下注相同的金额:/
UPDATE {$dbPrefix}auction_bid_details AS b1
SELECT id_bid, bid_price, id_customer,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY id_customer, id_bid, bid_price ORDER BY id_bid) AS rank
FROM {$dbPrefix}auction_bid_details
) AS ranked_bids
ON b1.id_bid = ranked_bids.id_bid
SET b1.bid_price = b1.bid_price + 1
WHERE ranked_bids.rank > 1
这是使用该功能时的日志,没有错误 atm :
0: "update_bids.php script started."
1: "Attempting database connection.. Array . <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"
2: "Database connection established. . >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"
3: "Starting bid update process..."
4: "Bids updated successfully!"
5: "update_bids.php script ended."
length: 6
smarty 中的前端,将在其中处理输入。正在使用Ajax
// Perform the AJAX request
url: '/update_bids.php',
method: 'POST',
data: {
bid_amount: bidAmount,
auction_id: auctionId,
customer_id: customerId
success: function(response) {
// Log the response for debugging
console.log("Auction ID:", auctionId, "Customer ID:", customerId, "Bid Amount:", bidAmount);
// Optionally, update the page or show a success message
// $('.wk-success').html('<p>Bid submitted successfully!</p>');
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
// Log the error for debugging, i think this one is being fired :(
$sql = "UPDATE {$dbPrefix}auction_bid_details AS b1
SELECT id_bid, bid_price, id_customer, automatic_bid_price,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY id_customer, id_bid, bid_price ,automatic_bid_price ORDER BY id_bid) AS rank
FROM {$dbPrefix}auction_bid_details
) AS ranked_bids
ON b1.id_bid = ranked_bids.id_bid
SET b1.automatic_bid_price = b1.automatic_bid_price + 1
WHERE ranked_bids.rank > 1
" ;
try {
// Begin the transaction
// Lock the table
$lockSql = "LOCK TABLES {$dbPrefix}auction_bid_details WRITE";
// Execute the update query
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
if ($stmt->execute()) {
customLog("Bids updated successfully!");
} else {
customLog("Error updating bids: " . implode(", ", $stmt->errorInfo()));
// Unlock the table
$unlockSql = "UNLOCK TABLES";
// Commit the transaction
} catch (PDOException $e) {
// Rollback the transaction in case of error
customLog("SQL Error: " . $e->getMessage());