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I have developed a mapping in informatica.Source is file.I need to write a post sql that will delete the already existing data if the file with the same name comes again.File comes once in every month and naming is like jass_naming_yyyymm.csv . I have written like delete from tab where load_date = sysdate but its not working.laod date is a column in target table taht stores yyyymm from the file.So query shoud be like if file with existing yyyymm comes again the existing data should get deleted and new file will be loaded.Please give soluntion.

sql informatica-powercenter

Post SQL在这里没有帮助。你需要两条流水线。管道1 - Src->exp->tgt.使用间接文件读取方法,从文件名中获取yyyy_mm部分.你需要在目标中使用'更新覆盖'选项来删除数据。使用这个逻辑-------------------------。DELETE FROM target_table WHERE target_yyyy_mm= :TU.source_yyyy_mmenter image description here管道2--你的映射。


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