哈喽哈喽! 我正在开发一个程序,该程序计算输入分数并输出成绩百分比和字母成绩。虽然字母分级部分非常简单,但我在正确完成 while 循环时遇到了困难。 目前,我正在尝试通过让用户仅输入 0 到 10 之间的整数来添加输入陷阱。问题是,每当用户输入必要的输入时,它最终都会循环并返回输出“请输入整数。”不断
print ( "Enter the homework scores one at a time. Type \"done\" when finished." )
hwCount = 1
strScore = input ( "HW#" + str ( hwCount ) + " score: " )
while ( strScore != int and strScore != "done" ) or\
( strScore == int and ( strScore < 0 or strScore >10 )):
if strScore == int:
input = int ( input ( "Please enter a number between 0 and 10." ))
print ( "Please enter only whole numbers." )
#End if
strScore = float ( input ( "enter HW#" + str( hwCount ) + " score:
所以,一旦我弄清楚这一点,我可能会觉得很愚蠢,但我被难住了。算法解决方案指出 循环 while ( strScore 不是整数且 strScore !="done") 或 ( strScore 是一个整数并且 (strScore < 0 or strScore > 10)))
strScore != int
不测试该值是否为整数;它检查该值是否等于 int
类型。在这种情况下,您需要 not isinstance(strScore, int)
print("Enter the homework scores one at a time. Type \"done\" when finished.")
hwCount = 1
while True:
strScore = input(f"HW#{hwCount} score: ")
if strScore == "done":
score = float(strScore)
except ValueError:
print(f"\"{strScore}\" is not a valid score, please try again.")
if not (0 <= score <= 10):
print("Please enter a value between 0 and 10.")
# Work with the validated value of score
# ...
hwCount += 1