onHorizo ntalDragEnd DragEndDetails.primaryVelocity的问题

问题描述 投票:0回答:1




onHorizontalDragStart: (DragStartDetails details) {
  print("Horizontal Drag Start - preflop.");
onHorizontalDragDown: (DragDownDetails details) {
  print("Horizontal Drag Down - preflop.");
onHorizontalDragUpdate: (DragUpdateDetails details) {
  print("Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: " + details.primaryDelta.toString());
onHorizontalDragEnd: (DragEndDetails details) {
  // TODO: Check velocity for non-zero but still too slow to swap?
  if (details.primaryVelocity >= 0) {
    print("Horizontal Drag End - preflop movement cancelled. Velocity: " + details.primaryVelocity.toString());

  else {
    print("Horizontal Drag End - preflop. Velocity: " + details.primaryVelocity.toString());

      MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => Flop()),

    onHorizontalDragStart: (DragStartDetails details) {
      print("Horizontal Drag Start - flop.");
    onHorizontalDragDown: (DragDownDetails details) {
      print("Horizontal Drag Down - flop.");
    onHorizontalDragUpdate: (DragUpdateDetails details) {
      print("Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: " + details.primaryDelta.toString());
    onHorizontalDragEnd: (DragEndDetails details) {
      // TODO: Check velocity for non-zero but still too slow to swap?
      if (details.primaryVelocity <= 0) {
    print("Horizontal Drag End - flop movement cancelled. Velocity: " + details.primaryVelocity.toString());

      else {
    print("Horizontal Drag End - flop. Velocity: " +



I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Down - preflop.
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Start - preflop.
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -5.712890625
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -5.336216517857167
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -7.998046875
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -8.763950892857167
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -11.42578125
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -11.049107142857167
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -11.049107142857167
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -13.334263392857139
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -11.42578125
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -8.763950892857139
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -7.998046875
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -5.336216517857139
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -3.427734375
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - preflop. Velocity Delta: -4.5703125
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag End - preflop. Velocity: -710.2030737630879


I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Down - flop.
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Start - flop.
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -6.85546875
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -8.763950892857167
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -7.998046875
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -9.906529017857167
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -9.140625
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -8.763950892857167
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -7.998046875
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -5.336216517857139
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -6.85546875
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -4.5703125
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -4.193638392857139
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -2.28515625
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -2.28515625
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag End - flop movement cancelled. Velocity: 0.0


I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Down - flop.
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Start - flop.
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -12.191685267857167
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -11.42578125
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -14.476841517857167
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -13.334263392857139
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -11.049107142857139
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -6.85546875
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -6.85546875
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -4.193638392857139
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -3.427734375
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -3.427734375
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -1.142578125
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -1.142578125
I/flutter (17305): Horizontal Drag End - flop. Velocity: 58.203062840330496



根据Ulas的建议,我更新了所有插件/ IDE。似乎第一个问题已解决-我不再获得0.0的速度。


I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Down - flop.
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Start - flop.
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -6.478794642857167
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -7.998046875
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -8.763950892857167
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -9.140625
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -9.906529017857167
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -10.283203125
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -13.334263392857167
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -13.334263392857167
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -14.476841517857139
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -12.191685267857139
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -10.283203125
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -12.191685267857139
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -10.283203125
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -8.763950892857139
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -6.85546875
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -5.336216517857139
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -4.5703125
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -3.427734375
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -3.427734375
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -1.9084821428571388
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: -1.142578125
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag Update - flop. Velocity Delta: 0.0
I/flutter (18942): Horizontal Drag End - flop. Velocity: 220.44058450541567
flutter dart swipe gesturedetector


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