从变量导入公式 - Excel VBA

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使用下面的代码我尝试循环列和行。当绿色单元格导入公式字符串中的范围时。在第 7 行,我想导入一个对绿色单元格求和的公式,但我希望显示该公式。循环工作正常,公式创建正常,但作为字符串而不是公式导入。


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Sub test()

    Dim Row As Long
    Dim Col As Long
    Dim strFormula As String
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        'Loop columns
        For Col = 1 To 3
            'Clear strFormula variable
            strFormula = ""
            'Loop rows
            For Row = 1 To 5
                'Check if cell is green
                If .Cells(Row, Col).Interior.Color = 9359529 Then
                    'Create formula
                    If strFormula = "" Then
                        strFormula = """=SUM(.cells(" & Row & "," & Col & ")"
                        strFormula = strFormula & ",.cells(" & Row & "," & Col & ")"
                    End If
                End If
            Next Row
            'Finalize formula
            If strFormula <> "" Then
                strFormula = strFormula & ")"""
                'Import formula
                .Cells(7, Col).Formula = strFormula
            End If
        Next Col
    End With
End Sub
excel vba excel-formula formula

这不是 Excel 公式的正确语法。你可以使用这样的东西:

Sub test()
    Dim Row As Long
    Dim Col As Long
    Dim strFormula As String
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1) ' "Sheet1"
        'Loop columns
        For Col = 1 To 3 Step 2
            'Clear strFormula variable
            strFormula = ""
            'Loop rows
            For Row = 1 To 5
                'Check if cell is green
                If .Cells(Row, Col).Interior.Color = 9359529 Then
                    'Create formula
                    If strFormula = "" Then
                        strFormula = "=SUM(R" & Row & "C" & Col
                        strFormula = strFormula & ",R" & Row & "C" & Col
                    End If
                End If
            Next Row
            'Finalize formula
            If strFormula <> "" Then
                strFormula = strFormula & ")"
                'Import formula
                .Cells(7, Col).FormulaR1C1 = strFormula
            End If
        Next Col
    End With
End Sub
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