我需要从电报群下载许多文件(超过1 GB),使用电视马拉松和单次通话下载很慢...(大约5、6 Mbps)我已经安装了cryptg但没有更改...
非常感谢 斯特凡诺
from telethon import TelegramClient
from multiprocessing import Pool
from datetime import datetime
import time
import threading
import os
# Remember to use your own values from my.telegram.org!
api_id = HiddenByME
api_hash = 'HiddenByME'
bot_token= 'HiddenByME'
client = TelegramClient('anon', api_id, api_hash)
bot= TelegramClient('bot', api_id, api_hash).start(bot_token=bot_token)
movieschanneltofix = HiddenByME
movieschannelfixed = HiddenByME
downloadpath = "media/"
# Printing download progress
def callbackdownload(current, total):
global start_time
global end_time
delta = (datetime.now()- start_time).total_seconds()
bytes_remaining = total - current
speed = round(((current / 1024) / 1024) / delta, 2)
seconds_left = round(((bytes_remaining / 1024) / 1024) / float(speed), 2)
print('Downloaded', round(current/1000000,2), 'out of', round(total/1000000,2),'Megabytes {:.2%}'.format(current / total), "->", "Trascorso:", round(delta/60, 2), " Minuti * Rimanente:", int(seconds_left), "Secondi * Velocità:", round(speed, 2), "Mbps", end='\r')
# Printing Upload Progress
def callbackupload(current, total):
global start_time
global end_time
delta = (datetime.now()- start_time).total_seconds()
bytes_remaining = total - current
speed = round(((current / 1024) / 1024) / delta, 2)
seconds_left = round(((bytes_remaining / 1024) / 1024) / float(speed), 2)
print('Uploaded', round(current/1000000,2), 'out of', round(total/1000000,2),'Megabytes {:.2%}'.format(current / total), "->", "Trascorso:", round(delta/60, 2), " Minuti * Rimanente:", int(seconds_left), "Secondi * Velocità:", round(speed, 2), "Mbps", end='\r')
async def moviefix(results):
global end_time
global start_time
print("Fixing Message ID: ", results.split(';')[0], "\n", "OldName: ", results.split(';')[1], "\n", "NewName: ", results.split(';')[2])
# Get Message and Download Media Renaming It
downpath = downloadpath+results.split(';')[2]
start_time = datetime.now()
print("Download Avviato:", start_time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S"))
path = await client.download_media(await client.get_messages(movieschanneltofix, ids=int(results.split(';')[0])), downpath, progress_callback=callbackdownload)
print('Download Completato!!! ', path)
#Upload Renamed File
start_time = datetime.now()
print("Upload Avviato:", start_time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M:%S"))
result = await bot.send_file(movieschannelfixed, downpath, force_document=True, progress_callback=callbackupload)
print('Upload Completato!!! ', result.file.name)
#Delete Uploaded File
#Save Fixed File in DB
with open('data/lastmoviefixed.txt', 'a') as f:
return results
# print (results, "PID:", os.getpid())
# with open('data/lastmoviefixed.txt', 'a') as f:
# f.write(results+"\n")
# time.sleep(1)
# time.sleep(10)
# return results
if __name__ == "__main__":
global listtodo
listtodo = set(open('data/listtofix.txt', 'r', encoding="utf8").read().splitlines()) - set(open('data/lastmoviefixed.txt', encoding="utf8").read().splitlines())
with Pool(1) as p:
result = p.map_async(client.loop.run_until_complete(moviefix), sorted(listtodo))
while not result.ready():
result = result.get()
print("Done", results)
您应该对 CPU 密集型操作使用多处理。对于 I/O 密集型操作,您可以使用 async.io 并发运行请求。然而,当网络带宽不是限制因素时(例如发送许多请求时),并发性是最有利的。在下载文件的情况下,如果您达到最大网络带宽,您将从并发中获得的好处最小。