尝试使用两个参数创建 bgcolor 格式,但出现错误。有人会解决这个问题吗? 此外,希望知道使用 table.cell_set_text() 时如何进行颜色格式化。
//Delta Table
Table_Def = table.new(position = position.bottom_right, columns = 30, rows = 1, frame_color = color.black, frame_width = 1, border_color = color.black, border_width = 1)
table.cell(Table_Def, column = 0, row = 2, text = "CumDelta", text_color = color.black, text_size = size.auto, text_halign = text.align_left)
table.cell(Table_Def, column = 1, row = 2, text = str.tostring(cumdelta\[29\]), text_color = color.black, bgcolor = if cumdelta\[29\]\>0 and cumdelta\[29\]\>cvdAverage\[29\] \* 1.05 ? color.new(color.lime, 0) : if cumdelta\[29\]\>0 and cumdelta\[29\]\>cvdAverage\[29\] \* 1.025 ? color.new(color.lime, 50) : if cumdelta\[29\]\<0 and cumdelta\[29\]\<cvdAverage\[29\]\*1.05) ? color.new(color.fuchsia, 0) : if cumdelta\[29\]\<0 and cumdelta\[29\]\<cvdAverage\[29\]\*1.05) ? color.new(color.fuchsia, 50) : color.new(color.gray, 50), text_size = size.auto, text_halign = text.align_right)
//Delta Table
Table_Def = table.new(position = position.bottom_right, columns = 30, rows = 1, frame_color = color.black, frame_width = 1, border_color = color.black, border_width = 1)
table.cell(Table_Def, column = 0, row = 2, text = "CumDelta", text_color = color.black, text_size = size.auto, text_halign = text.align_left)
cumdeltaCol = cumdelta > 0 and cumdelta > cvdAverage * 1.05 ? color.new(color.lime, 0) :
cumdelta > 0 and cumdelta > cvdAverage * 1.025 ? color.new(color.lime, 50) :
cumdelta < 0 and cumdelta < cvdAverage * 1.05 ? color.new(color.fuchsia, 0) :
cumdelta < 0 and cumdelta < cvdAverage * 1.05 ? color.new(color.fuchsia, 50) :
color.new(color.gray, 50)
table.cell(Table_Def, column = 1, row = 2, text = str.tostring(cumdelta), text_color = color.black, bgcolor = cumdeltaCol, text_size = size.auto, text_halign = text.align_right)