我正在使用Swift Playgrounds来探讨有关如何解决这个小问题的2个主要想法。
// : Idea #1 -- Use static functions
class Player {
var cash: Int = 0
let p = Player.init()
struct Wallet{
static func credit(account: Player, amount: Int) {
// (#TODO) the final one will do some checks, throw an error
var balance: Int = account.cash
balance += amount
account.cash = balance
static func debit(account: Player, amount: Int) {
// (#TODO) the final one will do some checks, throw an error
var balance: Int = account.cash
balance -= amount
account.cash = balance
Wallet.credit(account: p, amount: 125)
Wallet.debit(account: p, amount: 25)
print (p.cash)
class Player {
var account: Account = Account()
var cash: Int {
return account.balance
init(cash: Int) {
self.account = Account(openingBalance: cash)
var p = Player.init(cash: 50)
class Account {
public private(set) var balance: Int = 0
init(openingBalance: Int = 0) {
self.balance = openingBalance
func credit(amount: Int) -> Int {
balance += amount
return self.balance
func deposit(amount: Int) -> Int {
balance -= amount
return self.balance
p.account.credit(amount: 100)
print (p.cash)
编辑:我有第三次尝试。我看到了一个称为proxy design pattern
// : Third attempt -- I think this follows a Proxy pattern
public enum CashError: Error, Equatable {
case mustBePositive
case notEnoughFunds
case cannotPerformTransaction
case amountWouldBeNegative
class Bank {
var balance: Int = 0
enum TransactionType: Int {
case credit = 0
case debit
func performTransaction(transactionType: TransactionType, amount: Int) {
switch transactionType {
case .credit:
self.credit(amount: amount)
case .debit:
self.debit(amount: amount)
private func credit(amount: Int = 0) {
print ("didCredit: \(amount)")
self.balance += amount
private func debit(amount: Int = 0) {
print ("didDebit: \(amount)")
self.balance -= amount
class Customer {
private(set) var accountProxy: AccountProxy?
var cash: Int {
guard let proxy: AccountProxy = accountProxy else {
return 0
return proxy.balance
init(cash: Int = 0) {
print ("Create player with $\(cash)")
self.accountProxy = AccountProxy.init(customer: self)
guard let proxy = self.accountProxy else {
do {
let _ = try proxy.handle(transactionType: .credit, amount: cash)
} catch {
print (error)
class AccountProxy {
private var bank: Bank = Bank()
private var customer: Customer
public var balance: Int {
return self.bank.balance
init(customer: Customer) {
self.customer = customer
func handle(transactionType: Bank.TransactionType, amount: Int = 0) throws -> Bool {
print ("Attempting \(transactionType) of $\(amount)")
do {
if let _ = try canPerformTransaction(transactionType: transactionType, amount: amount) {
print ("proxy: says you can \(transactionType): $\(amount)")
self.bank.performTransaction(transactionType: transactionType, amount: amount)
return true
else {
print ("proxy: error - Cannot perform transction")
throw CashError.cannotPerformTransaction
} catch {
throw (error)
// (Private) functions
private func canPerformTransaction(transactionType: Bank.TransactionType, amount: Int ) throws -> Bool? {
switch transactionType {
case .credit:
do {
guard let result = try canCredit(amount: amount) else {
return false
return result
} catch {
throw error
case .debit:
do {
guard let result = try canDebit(amount: amount) else {
return false
return result
} catch {
throw error
private func canCredit(amount: Int) throws -> Bool? {
guard amount >= 0 else {
throw CashError.mustBePositive
return true
private func canDebit(amount: Int) throws -> Bool? {
// amount must be > 0
guard amount > 0 else {
throw CashError.mustBePositive
// balance must be >= amount
guard balance >= amount else {
throw CashError.notEnoughFunds
// the remaining sum must be >= 0
let sum = balance
guard ((sum - amount) >= 0) else {
throw CashError.amountWouldBeNegative
return true
let bob = Customer.init(cash: 100)
print ("Bob has $\(bob.cash)")
do {
let _ = try bob.accountProxy?.handle(transactionType: .credit, amount: 125)
} catch {
print (error)
print ("Bob has $\(bob.cash)")
do {
let _ = try bob.accountProxy?.handle(transactionType: .debit, amount: 25)
} catch {
print (error)
print ("Bob has $\(bob.cash)")
// (Logged Output):
// Create player with $100
// Attempting credit of $100
// proxy: says you can credit: $100
// didCredit: 100
// Bob has $100
// Attempting credit of $125
// proxy: says you can credit: $125
// didCredit: 125
// Bob has $225
// Attempting debit of $25
// proxy: says you can debit: $25
// didDebit: 25
// Bob has $200
class Player {
let wallet: Wallet
// no reference to cash here.
class Wallet {
private var cash: Int
// methods manipulating cash go here.
变量,但这意味着该播放器将必须公开其电子钱包,以便其他人可以投入现金或将其取出。这将关注点分开,但破坏了围堵。 Player对象无法再控制谁或什么从钱包中取出现金,并且在现实生活中,例如这些东西的例子,这听起来像是个坏主意。
用例将决定可能的适当关系。我最喜欢的示例是关于汽车及其引擎的。对于“ startCar”用例,明显的关系是包含[Car]<>-->[Engine]