inertiajs 相关问题

使用 InertiaJs 和 Laravel 从数据库中删除用户

我在从数据库中删除记录时遇到问题。我正在使用 InertiaJS 和 Laravel。 组件代码 以下是链接/按钮代码: 我在从数据库中删除记录时遇到问题。我正在使用 InertiaJS 和 Laravel。 组件代码 以下是链接/按钮代码: <Link class="trash" @click="submit(result.ChildID)"> Move to Trash </Link> 注意: ChildID 是数据库中子记录的 id。 现在:当用户单击此链接时,将调用一个方法,如下所示。 methods: { submit: function (ChildID) { alert(ChildID) if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this child?")) { this.$inertia.delete('destroy/ChildID'); } }, }, 路线代码 Route::delete('destroy/{childID}',[childrenController::class,'destroy']); 控制器代码 public function destroy(children $childID){ $childID->delete(); return redirect()->route('View_Child_Profile'); } 现在,当我点击删除按钮时,我收到以下错误: 试试这个。我认为你犯了错误“this.$inertia.delete('destroy/ChildID');” methods: { submit: function (ChildID) { alert(ChildID) if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this child?")) { this.$inertia.delete(`destroy/${ChildID}`); // or this.$inertia.delete('destroy/'+ChildID); } }, }, 这是我处理删除过程的方式。 前视+惯性: import { Link } from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3'; 在模板中: <Link method="delete" :href="route('admin.insta_feeds.destroy',id)">Delete</Link> 后端 Laravel: 路线: Route::resource('insta_feeds', InstaFeedsController::class); 控制器功能: public function destroy(InstaFeed $insta_feed) { if(isset($insta_feed->image_path)){ Storage::delete($insta_feed->image_path); } $insta_feed->delete(); return Redirect::route('admin.insta_feeds.index'); }

Pinia 对象在 Vue 中的 foreach 后失去反应性

我有这个嵌套的foreach BalanceItemList.vue ... 我有这个嵌套的 foreach BalanceItemList.vue <template> <div v-for="category in categoryItemsStore.balanceCategories" :key="" class="mt-5"> <div class="border-black border-b bg-gray-200"> <span class="font-bold w-full">{{ }}</span> </div> <div v-for="balanceItem in category.balance_items" :key=""> {{ = 500 }} <balance-item :balance-item="balanceItem" @update-balance-item="update"/> </div> <div> <balance-item-create :category="" @create-balance-item="update"/> </div> <div v-if="categoryItemsStore.totals[]" class="grid grid-cols-4-b t-2 ml-2"> <div :class="category.is_positive ? '': 'text-red-600' " class="col-start-4 border-t-2 border-black font-bold"> &euro;{{ categoryItemsStore.totals[].total }} </div> </div> </div> </template> 我像这样检查了“balanceItem”的反应性 {{ = 500 }} 它在商店中更新,但随后我有了我的平衡项目组件: BalanceItem.vue <script setup> import {reactive} from "vue"; import {useForm} from "@inertiajs/vue3"; import NumberInput from "@/Components/NumberInput.vue"; import {UseCategoryItemsStore} from "@/Stores/UseCategoryItemsStore.js"; const categoryItemStore = UseCategoryItemsStore() const props = defineProps({balanceItem: Object, errors: Object}) let item = reactive(props.balanceItem); const form = useForm(item); const emit = defineEmits(['update-balance-item']) const submit = () => {'balance-item.update'), { preserveScroll: true, onSuccess: () => { = 500 categoryItemStore.updateBalanceItemsTotals(form) emit('update-balance-item') } }) } </script> <template> <form @submit.prevent="submit"> <div class="grid grid-cols-4-b"> <span>{{ }}</span> <NumberInput v-model="form.count" autofocus class=" mr-4 mt-1 block" type="number" @update:model-value="submit" /> <div :class="item.item_category.is_positive ? '' : 'text-red-600'" class="flex place-items-center"> <div class="pt-1 mr-1">&euro;</div> <NumberInput v-model="form.amount" :class="form.errors.amount ? 'border-red-600' : ''" autofocus class="mt-1 mr-4 w-5/6" type="text" @update:model-value="submit" /> </div> <div :class="item.item_category.is_positive ? '' : 'text-red-600'" class="flex place-items-center"> <div class="pt-1 mr-1 w-5/6">&euro;</div> <NumberInput v-model="" autofocus class="mt-1 block" disabled style="max-width: 95%" type="text" /> </div> </div> </form> </template> 这是我测试反应性的商店。如果我增加输入的数字,则项目的计数保持不变 UseCategoryItemsStore.js import {defineStore} from "pinia"; import {ref} from "vue"; export const UseCategoryItemsStore = defineStore('UseCategoryItemsStore', () => { const balanceCategories = ref([]) const totals = ref([]) function getBalanceItems() { axios.get(route('balance-item.index')).then((response) => { balanceCategories.value = // console.log(balanceCategories.value) }) } function getTotals() { axios.get(route('balance-item.totals')).then((response) => totals.value = } function getData() { getTotals() getBalanceItems() } function updateBalanceItemsTotals(selectedItem) { balanceCategories.value.forEach((category) => { category.balance_items.forEach((item) => { if ( === { // = item.count * item.amount console.log(item) } }) }) } getTotals() getBalanceItems() return {balanceCategories, totals, getBalanceItems, getTotals, getData, updateBalanceItemsTotals} }) 在此测试中,我执行“ = 500”。但如果我检查商店,它不会更新。看来将“balanceItem”分配给一个道具会失去与我的 Pinia 商店的反应性。我可以使用“ = form.count * form.amount”手动更新我的表单,但这对我来说似乎很老套,我想使用 Pinia 商店的反应性。我考虑过根据“BalanceItem”获取 Pina 项目,但这似乎也很棘手。谁知道为什么失去反应性? 我有laravel 10.39、vue3.2.41和pinia 2.1.17惯性0.6.11。到目前为止我知道的所有最新版本。 我像这样更新我的表格和商店: <script setup> import {useForm} from "@inertiajs/vue3"; import NumberInput from "@/Components/NumberInput.vue"; import {UseCategoryItemsStore} from "@/Stores/UseCategoryItemsStore.js"; const categoryItemStore = UseCategoryItemsStore() const props = defineProps({balanceItem: Object, errors: Object}) let item = categoryItemStore.getItemById(props.balanceItem); let form = useForm(item); const emit = defineEmits(['update-balance-item']) const submit = () => {'balance-item.update'), { preserveScroll: true, onSuccess: () => { item = categoryItemStore.updateItem(form) form = useForm(item) emit('update-balance-item') } }) } </script> 我将此功能添加到我的商店: import {defineStore} from "pinia"; import {ref} from "vue"; export const UseCategoryItemsStore = defineStore('UseCategoryItemsStore', () => { const balanceCategories = ref([]) const totals = ref([]) function getBalanceItems() { axios.get(route('balance-item.index')).then((response) => { balanceCategories.value = // console.log(balanceCategories.value) }) } function getItemById(item) { let category = balanceCategories.value.find((category) => { return === item.item_category_id }) return category.balance_items.find((item_from_store) => { return === }) } function updateItem(form) { const item = getItemById(form) item.count = form.count item.amount = form.amount = item.count * item.amount return item } function getTotals() { axios.get(route('balance-item.totals')).then((response) => totals.value = } function getData() { getTotals() getBalanceItems() } getTotals() getBalanceItems() return {balanceCategories, totals, getBalanceItems, getTotals, getData, getItemById, updateItem} }) 假设如果帖子获得 200,我的表单值可用于更新商店和更新表单。这是我能想到的最好的

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