import sharp from 'sharp'
import { lexicalEditor } from '@payloadcms/richtext-lexical'
import { postgresAdapter} from "@payloadcms/db-postgres";
import { buildConfig } from 'payload'
import path from "path"
import { vercelBlobAdapter } from "./adapters/vercel-blob-adapter"
import { Categories } from './collections/Categories'
import { Media } from './collections/Media'
import { Pages } from '@/collections/Pages'
import { Posts } from './collections/Posts'
import { Users } from './collections/Users'
export default buildConfig({
// If you'd like to use Rich Text, pass your editor here
editor: lexicalEditor(),
// Define and configure your collections in this array
collections: [Pages, Posts, Media, Categories, Users],
// Your Payload secret - should be a complex and secure string, unguessable
secret: process.env.PAYLOAD_SECRET || '',
// Whichever Database Adapter you're using should go here
// Mongoose is shown as an example, but you can also use Postgres
db: postgresAdapter({
// Postgres-specific arguments go here.
// `pool` is required.
pool: {
connectionString: process.env.POSTGRES_URL,
// If you want to resize images, crop, set focal point, etc.
// make sure to install it and pass it to the config.
// This is optional - if you don't need to do these things,
// you don't need it!