这是我到目前为止要做的,因此在DFA中正确的是,您具有状态,并且在这些状态之间具有转换,要从state A
变为state B
,您需要消耗symbol ex: 'a'
。现在,我正在尝试编写一个需要DFA transition function
的current state (int) and a transition symbol (char) and returns the next state (int)
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<char, int>> transitionMap = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<char, int>>();
这是我的过渡图,它是第一个int key is current state
和nested dictionary consists of symbol consumed and the other int is the next state that I have to return
Dictionary<char, int> dict = new Dictionary<char, int>();
dict.Add('a', 1); // 'a' here is the symbol consumed to go to state 1 from state 0
transitionMap.Add(0, dict); // 0 is the current state
if (transitionMap.ContainsKey(state))
Dictionary<char, int> res = new Dictionary<char, int>();
transitionMap.TryGetValue(state, out res);
res.Add(symbol, nextState);
transitionMap[state] = res;