Python 中的广度优先搜索(BFS)用于分割 dag 节点

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我尝试在 python 中实现面包优先搜索算法来分割 dag,我的目标是分割节点依赖项,以便对于具有多个依赖项的每个节点,我将复制该节点直到它具有一个依赖项,例如对于这个 dag:

示例 dag




按原样运行脚本以查看打印的原始和分割的 DAG 结构。您也可以根据您的用例进行修改(如果有)。
python algorithm breadth-first-search directed-acyclic-graphs
from collections import deque class Node: def __init__(self, name): = name self.children = [] self.parents = [] def split_dag(root): queue = deque([root]) visited = set() new_nodes = {} while queue: node = queue.popleft() if node in visited: continue visited.add(node) for child in node.children: if len(child.parents) > 1: # Create a new node new_name = f"{}_{}" if new_name not in new_nodes: new_nodes[new_name] = Node(new_name) new_node = new_nodes[new_name] # Update relationships new_node.children = child.children.copy() node.children[node.children.index(child)] = new_node new_node.parents = [node] # Update child's relationships child.parents.remove(node) for grandchild in child.children: grandchild.parents.append(new_node) queue.append(new_node) else: queue.append(child) return root # Helper function to create the initial DAG def create_dag(): nodes = {name: Node(name) for name in 'ABCD1D2E1F1E2F2'} edges = [ ('A', 'C'), ('A', 'B'), ('C', 'D1'), ('B', 'D2'), ('D1', 'E1'), ('D1', 'F1'), ('D2', 'E2'), ('D2', 'F2') ] for parent, child in edges: nodes[parent].children.append(nodes[child]) nodes[child].parents.append(nodes[parent]) return nodes['A'] # Function to print the DAG structure def print_dag(root, prefix=""): print(f"{prefix}{}") for child in root.children: print_dag(child, prefix + " ") # Main execution root = create_dag() print("Original DAG:") print_dag(root) split_root = split_dag(root) print("\nSplit DAG:") print_dag(split_root)

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