好的,我正在寻找一个 VBA 函数,它会根据分割字符长度和最接近的 COMMA 分割值告诉我一个单元格内需要多少次分割
N2NP002、N3NP001、N4NP027、N5NP012、N6NP003、N10NP010、Z401、Z217、Z218、Z219、Z220、Z2、Z22、Z223、Z224、Z225、Z226、Z227、Z228、Z229、Z230、Z231 ,Z232,Z233,Z234 ,Z235,Z236,Z33,Z237,Z238,Z239,Z240,Z241,Z222,Z223,Z224,Z225,Z226,Z227,Z228,Z229,Z23
根据以下标准将其拆分为 3 个单元格,以逗号拆分,保持长度接近 76 个字符。
N2NP002,N3NP001,N4NP027,N5NP012,N6NP003,N10NP010,Z401,Z217,Z218,Z219,Z220,Z2 (Which is 76 Characters)
Z22,Z223,Z224,Z225,Z226,Z227,Z228,Z229,Z230,Z231,Z232,Z233,Z234,Z235,Z236 (73 Characters)
Z33,Z237,Z238,Z239,Z240,Z241,Z222,Z223,Z224,Z225,Z226,Z227,Z228,Z229,Z23 (72 Characters)
我想要的是一个 VBA 函数,它会告诉我我的分割例程需要 3 个单元。
其中 A33 是输入文本,76 是字符长度并以逗号分隔。
的结果为 3
记住这里的问题是,当第 77 个字符是逗号时,分割发生在第 76 个字符处。 即,查找字符 77 处或之前的最后一个逗号,然后该值 -1 是您要拆分的值,根据发生 Z2 的第一次拆分,其中逗号位于位置 77。如果 Z2 是 Z12,则 Z12 将被推入下一行和效果流将是 SplitNumber(A33,76) 将得到 4。
当 Z2 变为 Z12 时我的例程将给出的示例结果,
N2NP002,N3NP001,N4NP027,N5NP012,N6NP003,N10NP010,Z401,Z217,Z218,Z219,Z220 (73 Characters)
Z12,Z22,Z223,Z224,Z225,Z226,Z227,Z228,Z229,Z230,Z231,Z232,Z233,Z234,Z235 (72 Characters)
Z236,Z33,Z237,Z238,Z239,Z240,Z241,Z222,Z223,Z224,Z225,Z226,Z227,Z228,Z229 (73 Characters)
Z23(3 个字符)
如果感兴趣,或者如果有帮助,这里是我必须将 A33 拆分为 76 个字符长度的 Sub,根据需要将结果放入单元格 C33、C34、C35 等
Sub SplitTextBy76Chars()
Dim inputText As String
Dim maxLen As Integer
Dim result As String
Dim lastComma As Integer
Dim cellRow As Integer
Dim checkChar As String
' Read the input text from A33
inputText = Range("A33").Value
maxLen = 76 ' Maximum length for each split
cellRow = 33 ' Starting row for output, adjust as needed
Do While Len(inputText) > 0
' Get the first maxLen characters
result = Left(inputText, maxLen)
' Check if the 77th character is a comma
If Len(inputText) > maxLen Then
checkChar = Mid(inputText, maxLen + 1, 1)
If checkChar = "," Then
' If the 77th character is a comma, use the first 76 characters
result = Left(inputText, maxLen)
inputText = Mid(inputText, maxLen + 2)
' Find the last comma within this substring
lastComma = InStrRev(result, ",")
' If a comma is found, split there; otherwise, take the full 76 characters
If lastComma > 0 Then
result = Left(result, lastComma - 1)
inputText = Mid(inputText, lastComma + 1)
inputText = Mid(inputText, maxLen + 1)
End If
End If
inputText = ""
End If
' Write the result to the next row
Range("C" & cellRow).Value = result
cellRow = cellRow + 1
End Sub
Public Function SplitNumber(inputText As Range, Optional maxLen As Integer = 76)
Dim x As Integer, dic As Object, splVal, dkey
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
x = 1
For Each splVal In Split(inputText.Value, ",")
If dic.Exists(x) Then
If Len(dic(x) & "," & splVal) <= maxLen Then
dic(x) = dic(x) & "," & splVal
x = x + 1
dic.Add x, splVal
End If
dic.Add x, splVal
End If
Next splVal
x = Application.Caller.Row - inputText.Row + 1
If dic.Exists(x) Then
SplitNumber = dic(x)
SplitNumber = ""
End If
End Function