
问题描述 投票:0回答:1




trait DataSource<'a> {
    fn get_data(&mut self) -> String;
    fn transaction(&mut self) -> &mut postgres::Transaction<'a> {

trait BackendConnection<'a, TS>
    TS: DataSource<'a>,
    fn data_source(&'a mut self) -> TS;

trait BackendConfiguration<'a, TC, TS>
    TC: BackendConnection<'a, TS>,
    TS: DataSource<'a>,
    fn connect(&self) -> TC;

fn generate<'a, TF, TC, TS>(config: &TF)
    TF: BackendConfiguration<'a, TC, TS>,
    TC: BackendConnection<'a, TS> + 'a,
    TS: DataSource<'a> + 'a,
    let mut connection = config.connect();
    let mut source = connection.data_source();
    println!("{:?}", source.get_data());

// You can ignore all this, it is there just to show the reason why the lifetime is needed in `data_source(&'a mut self)` above.
mod pg {
    pub struct PgSource<'a> {transaction: postgres::Transaction<'a>}
    impl<'a> super::DataSource<'a> for PgSource<'a> {
        fn get_data(&mut self) -> String {
            let mut data = String::new();
            for row in self.transaction.query("SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", &[]).unwrap() {
                let st: std::time::SystemTime = row.get(0);
                data.push_str(&format!("{:?}\n", st));
        fn transaction(&mut self) -> &mut postgres::Transaction<'a> {
            &mut self.transaction

    pub struct PgConnection {client: postgres::Client}
    impl<'a> super::BackendConnection<'a, PgSource<'a>> for PgConnection {
        fn data_source(&'a mut self) -> PgSource<'a> {
            let transaction = self.client.transaction().unwrap();
            PgSource { transaction }

    pub struct PgConfiguration {config: postgres::Config}
    impl PgConfiguration {
        pub fn new(params: &str) -> Self {
            let config = params.parse::<postgres::Config>().unwrap();
            Self { config }
    impl<'a> super::BackendConfiguration<'a, PgConnection, PgSource<'a>> for PgConfiguration {
        fn connect(&self) -> PgConnection {
            let client = self.config.connect(postgres::tls::NoTls).unwrap();
            PgConnection { client }

但是Rust compiler does not accept this

error[E0597]: `connection` does not live long enough
  --> src/lib.rs:22:22
17 | fn generate<'a, TF, TC, TS>(config: &TF)
   |             -- lifetime `'a` defined here
22 |     let mut source = connection.data_source();
   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^--------------
   |                      |
   |                      borrowed value does not live long enough
   |                      argument requires that `connection` is borrowed for `'a`
23 |     println!("{:?}", source.get_data());
24 | }
   | - `connection` dropped here while still borrowed

我如何描述connection超过source?我的尝试在source'b: 'aconnection周围引入范围,但没有得到积极的结果。


[ÖmerErden和Kornel发表评论后,我尝试将特征装箱并使用关联的类型。 Woohoow, it compiles!

trait DataSource {
    fn get_data(&mut self) -> String;
    fn transaction(&mut self) -> postgres::Transaction<'_> { unimplemented!() }
trait BackendConnection {
    type Source<'a>;
    fn data_source(&mut self) -> Self::Source<'_>;
trait BackendConfiguration {
    type Connection;
    fn connect(&self) -> Self::Connection;

fn generate<TF>(config: &TF)
    TF: BackendConfiguration<Connection=Box<dyn BackendConnection<Source=Box<dyn DataSource>>>>
    let mut connection = config.connect();
    let mut source = connection.data_source();
    println!("{:?}", source.get_data());

// You can ignore all this, it is there just to show the reason why
// the lifetime is needed in `data_source(&'a mut self)` above.

mod pg {
    pub struct PgSource<'a> {transaction: postgres::Transaction<'a>}
    impl super::DataSource for PgSource<'_> {
        fn get_data(&mut self) -> String {
            let mut data = String::new();
            for row in self.transaction.query("SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", &[]).unwrap() {
                let st: std::time::SystemTime = row.get(0);
                data.push_str(&format!("{:?}\n", st));
        fn transaction(&mut self) -> postgres::Transaction<'_> {

    pub struct PgConnection {client: postgres::Client}
    impl super::BackendConnection for PgConnection {
        type Source<'a> = Box<PgSource<'a>>;
        fn data_source(&mut self) -> Self::Source<'_> {
            let transaction = self.client.transaction().unwrap();
            Box::new(PgSource { transaction })

    pub struct PgConfiguration {config: postgres::Config}
    impl PgConfiguration {
        pub fn new(params: &str) -> Self {
            let config = params.parse::<postgres::Config>().unwrap();
            Self { config }
    impl super::BackendConfiguration for PgConfiguration {
        type Connection = Box<PgConnection>;
        fn connect(&self) -> Self::Connection {
            let client = self.config.connect(postgres::tls::NoTls).unwrap();
            Box::new(PgConnection { client })

但还是fails to compile when I use the generic

fn main() {
    let cfg = pg::PgConfiguration::new("host=host.example user=myself");


error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `<pg::PgConfiguration as BackendConfiguration>::Connection == std::boxed::Box<(dyn BackendConnection<Source = std::boxed::Box<(dyn DataSource + 'static)>> + 'static)>`
  --> src/lib.rs:26:5
15 | fn generate<TF>(config: &TF)
   |    --------
16 | where
17 |     TF: BackendConfiguration<Connection=Box<dyn BackendConnection<Source=Box<dyn DataSource>>>>
   |                              ----------------------------------------------------------------- required by this bound in `generate`
26 |     generate(&cfg);
   |     ^^^^^^^^ expected trait object `dyn BackendConnection`, found struct `pg::PgConnection`
   = note: expected struct `std::boxed::Box<(dyn BackendConnection<Source = std::boxed::Box<(dyn DataSource + 'static)>> + 'static)>`
              found struct `std::boxed::Box<pg::PgConnection>`

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0271`.


如果我monomorphize generate by hand it works


但是,我当然想避免这种情况,因为它会创建代码重复(我必须写fn generate_for_pg(config: &pg::PgConfiguration) { let mut connection = config.connect(); let mut source = connection.data_source(); println!("{:?}", source.get_data()); } )。


rust traits lifetime


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