[行销中薪水最高的人是:约翰·普罗基迪(John Prodigy)和Pasty Laprade,在代码处:这里是我的
注:scp =扫描仪生产,scm =扫描仪销售,hsp =最高工资生产,lsp =最低工资生产,hsm =最高工资销售,lsm =最低工资销售,salPro =工资生产,salMar =工资销售, emp =员工
package com.company;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.SynthMenuBarUI;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
Scanner scp = new Scanner(new File("C:\\Users\\denim\\IdeaProjects\\ProgrammingAssignment\\src\\com\\company\\employees.txt"));
Scanner scm = new Scanner(new File("C:\\Users\\denim\\IdeaProjects\\ProgrammingAssignment\\src\\com\\company\\managers.txt"));
int salPro = 0;
int salMar = 0;
ArrayList<Employee> marketing = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Employee> production = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<String, Integer> emp = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
while(scp.hasNextLine()) {
String[] obj = scp.nextLine().split(", ");
switch(obj[2]) {
case "Production": {
salPro += Integer.parseInt(obj[3]);
Employee e = new Employee(obj);
if (emp.containsKey("hsp")) {
if (production.get(emp.get("hsp")).getSalary() < Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.replace("hsp", (production.size()-1));
else if (production.get(emp.get("hsp")).getSalary() == Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.put("hsp1", (production.size()-1));
else {
emp.put("hsp", (production.size()-1));
if(emp.containsKey("lsp")) {
if (production.get(emp.get("lsp")).getSalary() > Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.replace("lsp", (production.size()-1));
else if (production.get(emp.get("lsp")).getSalary() == Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.put("lsp1", (production.size()-1));
else {
emp.put("lsp", (production.size()-1));
case "Marketing": {
salMar += Integer.parseInt(obj[3]);
Employee e = new Employee(obj);
if (emp.containsKey("hsm")) {
if (marketing.get(emp.get("hsm")).getSalary() < Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.replace("hsm", (marketing.size()-1));
else if (marketing.get(emp.get("hsm")).getSalary() == Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.put("hsm1", (marketing.size()-1));
else {
emp.put("hsm", (marketing.size()-1));
if(emp.containsKey("lsm")) {
if (marketing.get(emp.get("lsm")).getSalary() > Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.replace("lsm", (marketing.size()-1));
else if (marketing.get(emp.get("lsm")).getSalary() == Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.put("lsm1", (marketing.size()-1));
else {
emp.put("lsm", (marketing.size()-1));
while(scm.hasNextLine()) {
String[] obj = scm.nextLine().split(", ");
switch (obj[0]) {
case "Production": {
salPro += Integer.parseInt(obj[3]);
Manager m = new Manager(obj);
if (emp.containsKey("hsp")) {
if (production.get(emp.get("hsp")).getSalary() < Integer.parseInt(obj[3]))
emp.replace("hsp", (production.size() - 1));
else if (production.get(emp.get("hsp")).getSalary() == Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.put("hsp1", (production.size()-1));
} else {
emp.put("hsp", (production.size() - 1));
if (emp.containsKey("lsp")) {
if (production.get(emp.get("lsp")).getSalary() > Integer.parseInt(obj[3]))
emp.replace("lsp", (production.size() - 1));
else if (production.get(emp.get("lsp")).getSalary() == Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.put("lsp1", (production.size()-1));
} else {
emp.put("lsp", (production.size() - 1));
case "Marketing": {
salMar += Integer.parseInt(obj[3]);
Manager m = new Manager(obj);
if (emp.containsKey("hsm")) {
if (marketing.get(emp.get("hsm")).getSalary() < Integer.parseInt(obj[3]))
emp.replace("hsm", (marketing.size() - 1));
else if (marketing.get(emp.get("hsm")).getSalary() == Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.put("hsm1", (marketing.size()-1));
} else {
emp.put("hsm", (marketing.size() - 1));
if (emp.containsKey("lsm")) {
if (marketing.get(emp.get("lsm")).getSalary() > Integer.parseInt(obj[3]))
emp.replace("lsm", (marketing.size() - 1));
else if (marketing.get(emp.get("lsm")).getSalary() == Integer.parseInt(obj[3])) emp.put("lsm1", (marketing.size()-1));
} else {
emp.put("lsm", (marketing.size() - 1));
System.out.println("The total Salary of the Production Department is: " + salPro);
System.out.println("The total amount of Employees in the Production Department is: " + production.size());
System.out.println("The Average Salary for the Production Department is: " + salPro/(production.size()));
System.out.println("\nThe total Salary of the Marketing Department is: " + salMar);
System.out.println("The total amount of Employees in the Marketing Department is: " + marketing.size());
System.out.println("The Average Salary for the Marketing Department is: " + salMar/(marketing.size()));
if(emp.containsKey("hsp1")) System.out.println("\nThe people with the highest salary in Production are: " + production.get(emp.get("hsp")).getFullName() + " and " + production.get(emp.get("hsp1")).getFullName());
else System.out.println("\nThe person with the highest salary in Production is: " + production.get(emp.get("hsp")).getFullName()) ;
if(emp.containsKey("lsp1")) System.out.println("The people with the lowest salary in Production are: " + production.get(emp.get("lsp")).getFullName() + " and " + production.get(emp.get("lsp1")).getFullName());
else System.out.println("The person with the lowest salary in Production is: " + production.get(emp.get("lsp")).getFullName()) ;
if(emp.containsKey("hsm1")) System.out.println("\nThe people with the highest salary in Marketing are: " + marketing.get(emp.get("hsm")).getFullName() + " and " + marketing.get(emp.get("hsm1")).getFullName());
else System.out.println("\nThe person with the highest salary in Marketing is: " + marketing.get(emp.get("hsm")).getFullName()) ;
if(emp.containsKey("lsm1")) System.out.println("The people with the lowest salary in Marketing are: " + marketing.get(emp.get("lsm")).getFullName() + " and " + marketing.get(emp.get("lsm1")).getFullName());
else System.out.println("The person with the lowest salary in Marketing is: " + marketing.get(emp.get("lsm")).getFullName()) ;
package com.company;
public class Manager extends Employee {
private int Bonus;
public Manager(String department, String firstName, String lastName, int Salary, int Bonus) {
super(firstName, lastName, department, Salary);
this.Bonus = Bonus;
public Manager(String[] list) {
this(list[0], list[1], list[2], Integer.parseInt(list[3]), Integer.parseInt(list[4]));
public int getBonus() {
return Bonus;
package com.company;
public class Employee extends Person {
private int Salary;
private String department;
public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, String department, int Salary) {
super(firstName, lastName);
this.department = department;
this.Salary = Salary;
public Employee(String[] list) {
this(list[0], list[1], list[2], Integer.parseInt(list[3]));
public int getSalary() {
return Salary;
package com.company;
public class Person {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
public Person(String firstName, String lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public String getFullName() {
return firstName + " " + lastName;
Marketing, John, Prodigy, 5300, 15
Production, Boss, Old, 2000, 20
Production, Bossic, Young, 1400, 20
Ginny, Gullatt, Marketing, 1000
Tiara, Curd, Production, 1200
Camie, Poorman, Marketing, 900
Jammie, Hasson, Marketing, 800
Lionel, Hailey, Marketing, 500
Genevive, Mckell, Production, 2000
Esteban, Slaubaugh, Marketing, 1300
Elden, Harte, Production, 1340
Tasia, Rodrigue, Marketing, 1200
Nathanial, Dentler, Production, 1700
Valda, Nicoletti, Marketing, 600
Kary, Wilkerson, Production, 600
Coletta, Akey, Marketing, 800
Wilmer, Jack, Production, 600
Loreta, Agnew, Marketing, 700
Suzy, Cleveland, Production, 1450
Pasty, Laprade, Marketing, 1300
Candie, Mehaffey, Production, 1800
Glady, Landman, Marketing, 1900
Tierra, Mckeown, Production, 2200