如何在不添加提交的情况下重新调整我的 PR?

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

假设我有一个带有分支主控的存储库。我检查了一个分支功能分支并开始研究它。我提出了一个 PR,并随着时间的推移在 PR 中推送了 3 次提交。假设 master 分支在此期间向前推进了 10 次提交,我必须将 PR 重新设置为 master 分支。我遵循以下命令:

git checkout feature-branch
git rebase master
git pull
git push

这些步骤确实推进了我的 PR,但现在我的 PR 包含 3 + 10 = 13 次提交,这使得审核变得困难。有什么解决办法吗?

git github version-control pull-request



git checkout master
git pull # bring changes from upstream master into your local master
git checkout feature-branch
git rebase master # this is how you move your branch on top of master, keeping it straight
git push -f # assuming that the upstream branch as been set before
# if the upstream branch is not set, then write git push -f origin @ -u
# after that, you can just run git push -f (on subsequent pushes)

现在....你如何摆脱困境?嗯......我不完全确定这会起作用,但它可能会起作用。假设您刚刚从那里所做的最后一次拉动中出来: git checkout feature-branch~ # go to the first parent of that merge.... you should be on top of 3 commits that are straight from main, no merges # If that is the case, just place your branch over here: git branch -f feature-branch git checkout feature-branch git push -f

如果实际上情况并非如此,那么您将需要亲自动手并挑选您想要在分支中拥有的 3 个修订版......或者 rebase Interactive,这很好,但可能是一个有点吓人...用cherry-pick应该很简单:

git checkout --detach master # let's get ourselves on top of master, but let's not move it around git cherry-pick first-commit-of-the-branch-you-want #you probably have more than one _first_ commit in the messy branch, any of those _firsts_ would do, use its commit ID git cherry-pick second-commit-of-the-branch-you-want # same thing with the second git cherry-pick third-commit-of-the-branch-you-want # if this is your branch and it looks good (straight line from master, 3 commits, no merges): git branch -f feature-branch git push -f



提交),您将原始功能分支及其所有提交拉取(并合并)到您的变基分支中,然后将整个分支向上推。 合并基础保持不变,自该点以来的所有提交现在都在“您的分支上”,包括您提交的两个副本。


在这些情况下,如果您已经推送了代码并将 PR 指向新分支,通常最好的做法是创建一个新分支,以避免两个版本的历史记录之间的交叉污染。

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