WooCommerce 订单详细信息表中发货行随机缺失问题

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我一直在使用自定义 WooCommerce 插件,该插件通过在结帐过程中单击按钮来设置固定的运费。虽然它通常总是按预期工作,但在每 20 个订单中大约有 2 个订单下单后,发货行本身在订单详细信息表、确认电子邮件或 WooCommerce 订单页面中不可见。


 * Plugin Name: Custom Shipping Value
 * Description: Customizations for WooCommerce.
 * Version: 1.0
 * Author: udd_ish

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or exit;

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_custom_scripts');
function enqueue_custom_scripts() {
    // Enqueue the custom JS file
    wp_enqueue_script('distancecal-scripts', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'js/distancecal-scripts.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
    wp_localize_script('distancecal-scripts', 'ajax_object', array('ajaxurl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php')));

function modify_shipping_cost($shipping_cost) {
    if ( isset($shipping_cost) ){
        WC()->session->set('shipping_cost', $shipping_cost);
        error_log("Shipping cost set to $shipping_cost in session");
    return $shipping_cost;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_form_field_button', 'create_button_form_field_type', 10, 4 );
function create_button_form_field_type( $field, $key, $args, $value ){
    return sprintf('<p class="form-row %s" id="%s_field" data-priority="%s">
        <button type="%s" id="%s" class="%s">%s</button>
    implode(' ', $args['class']), esc_attr($key), $args['priority'] ? $args['priority'] : '', 
    $args['type'], esc_attr($key), $args['input-class'], $args['label'] );

add_action('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'insert_custom_button_in_billing_form');
function insert_custom_button_in_billing_form( $fields ) {
    $fields['billing']['custom-button'] = array(
        'type'         => 'button',
        'label'        => __('Calculate Delivery Fee'),
        'class'        =>  array('form-row-wide'),
        'input-class'  => 'button alt',
        'priority'     => 61, // <== Field location (after Street address fields)
    return $fields;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_shipping_method_full_label', 'display_only_shipping_method_price', 10, 2 );
function display_only_shipping_method_price( $label, $method ) {
    // HERE define your targeted rate id
    $targeted_rate_id = 'flat_rate:4';

    if ( $method->id === $targeted_rate_id && 0 < $method->cost ) {
        $label = str_replace( $method->label . ': ', '', $label);
    return $label;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'shipping_package_rates_filter_callback', 100, 2 );
function shipping_package_rates_filter_callback( $rates, $package ) {
    // HERE define your targeted rate id
    $targeted_rate_id = 'flat_rate:4'; 
    if ( ! array_key_exists($targeted_rate_id, $rates) ) 
        return $rates;
    $new_cost = WC()->session->get('shipping_cost'); // Get new cost from WC sessions

    if ( ! empty($new_cost) ) {
        // Set shipping label empty
        $rates[$targeted_rate_id]->label = '';
        $rate = $rates[$targeted_rate_id];
        $cost = $rate->cost; // Set the initial cost in a variable for taxes calculations
        $rates[$targeted_rate_id]->cost = $new_cost; // Set the new cost

        $has_taxes = false; // Initializing
        $taxes     = array(); // Initializing
        foreach ($rate->taxes as $key => $tax_cost){
            if( $tax_cost > 0 ) {
                $tax_rate    = $tax_cost / $cost; // Get the tax rate conversion
                $taxes[$key] = $new_cost * $tax_rate; // Set the new tax cost in taxes costs array
                $has_taxes   = true; // There are taxes (set it to true)
        if( $has_taxes ) {
            $rates[$targeted_rate_id]->taxes = $taxes; // Set taxes costs array
    } else {
    return $rates;

// PHP WP AJAX handler
add_action('wp_ajax_shipping_cost_update', 'shipping_cost_update_callback');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_shipping_cost_update', 'shipping_cost_update_callback');
function shipping_cost_update_callback() {
    $price = 100;
    wp_die(); // Make sure to exit after handling the AJAX request

// Refresh shipping methods
add_action('woocommerce_checkout_update_order_review', 'checkout_update_refresh_shipping_methods' );
function checkout_update_refresh_shipping_methods() {
    if ( WC()->session->__isset('shipping_cost') ) {
        $packages = WC()->cart->get_shipping_packages();
        foreach ($packages as $package_key => $package ) {
             WC()->session->set( 'shipping_for_package_' . $package_key, false ); // Or true

// Remove the WC session variable once the order is created
add_action('woocommerce_checkout_order_created', 'remove_wc_session_shipping_cost_variable', 10, 1);
function remove_wc_session_shipping_cost_variable( ) {
    if ( WC()->session->__isset('shipping_cost') ) {

// (optional) Remove the WC Session variable on other pages than checkout
add_action('template_redirect', 'wc_session_shipping_cost_variable_only_on_checkout', 10, 1);
function wc_session_shipping_cost_variable_only_on_checkout() {
    if ( ! ( is_checkout() && ! is_wc_endpoint_url() ) ) {


jQuery( function($) {
    // Add your custom JavaScript here
    $(document.body).on('click', '#custom-button', function() {
            $('#custom-button').text('Calculating Delivery Fee').prop('disabled', true);

                type: 'POST',
                url: ajax_object.ajaxurl,
                data: {
                    action: 'shipping_cost_update'
                success: function(response) {
                    $('#custom-button').text('Calculate Delivery Fee').prop('disabled', false);
                    $(document.body).trigger('update_checkout', { update_shipping_method: true });
                error: function(error) {
                    // Handle AJAX error if needed
                    console.error('AJAX error:', error);
                    $('#custom-button').text('Calculate Delivery Fee').prop('disabled', false);
                    alert('Error calculating delivery fee. Please try again.');

灵感来源:从 WC 会话变量更改 WooCommerce Checkout 运输方式成本

javascript php wordpress woocommerce hook-woocommerce


// Hook to modify taxes based on products and user roles
add_action('woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees', 'add_custom_tax_to_selected_products', 20, 1);

function add_custom_tax_to_selected_products($cart) {
    // Check if it is admin or AJAX request, and avoid executing the code in that case
    if (is_admin() && !defined('DOING_AJAX')) {

    // Check if the user has the 'usuario_diferente' role
    if (!current_user_can('usuario_diferente')) {

    // IDs of products that should receive the 8% tax
    $product_ids_with_tax = array(966, 301, 328, 326, 327, 355, 625); // Sustituir con los IDs reales de los productos

    // Variable to store the total additional tax
    $tax_amount = 0;

    // Iterate over the products in the cart
    foreach ($cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) {
        $product_id = $cart_item['product_id'];

        // Check if the product is on the list of products with additional tax
        if (in_array($product_id, $product_ids_with_tax)) {
            // Calculate 8% of the subtotal of this product
            $item_total = $cart_item['line_total']; // Total price of the product in the cart without taxes
            $tax_amount += ($item_total * 0.08);    // Add 8% of the total price of that product

    // Si hay un monto de impuesto a agregar, o no hay otros impuestos presentes
    if ($tax_amount > 0) {
        // Get current taxes
        $taxes = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_taxes();

        // If taxes already exist, add the additional tax
        if (!empty($taxes)) {
            foreach ($taxes as $key => $value) {
                $taxes[$key] += $tax_amount;
                break; // We only modified the first tax found
        } else {
            // If there is no tax, we add the tax as the first one
            $cart->add_fee(__('Impuesto', 'woocommerce'), $tax_amount, true); // Lo marcamos como impuesto

        // Set modified taxes if there were already taxes
        if (!empty($taxes)) {
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