所以我正在制作一个新城市,而且我对 HTML 还比较陌生(但我很快就学会了),所以我从互联网上得到了很多帮助,哈哈。我已经磨练了大约一个星期了。现在,我的两个主要问题是:
我的朋友告诉我尝试 Flex,但我不太确定从哪里开始。
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<p><a href=/altar.html>Altar</a></p>
<p>Contact / About</p>
<p><a href=/map.html>Explore</a></p>
<p>Puppy Corner</p>
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<div class="main" id="homemain">
<em>As you get off the boat, you arrive to THE DOG Island.<br></br><br>The ocean crashes around the cliffs of the island, and you step into Pupsville from the Green Meadows.</br>
<br>A blanket of peace is draped over the town, and as you make your way into the square, dogs approach you, </br>
<br>sniffing and greeting you, welcoming you to their town. You walk past Dr. Potan's clinic, and a dog<br>
<br>by the name of Amalia approaches you. She tells you Noble has an open house, and he would be willing to</br>
<br>rent it out to you for free, so long as you help out the local dogs and stay out of trouble.</br><br>You've never been here before, but it already feels like home.</br>
<img src="https://i.postimg.cc/FzjvqZ7f/petasi.gif" id="petasi"/>
地图 HTML:
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<area target="" alt="Rune Village" title="Rune Village" href="/runevillage.html" coords="300,150,650,270" shape="rect">
<area target="" alt="Snow Village" title="Snow Village" href="/snowvillage.html" coords="190,100,350,330" shape="rect">
<area target="" alt="Gigili Village" title="Gigili Village" href="/gigilivillage.html" coords="500,200,700,500" shape="rect">
<area target="" alt="Zoomy Village" title="Zoomy Village" href="/zoomyvillage.html" coords="390,400,597,711" shape="rect">
<area target="" alt="Pupsville" title="Pupsville" href="/home.html" coords="190,436,325,721" shape="rect">
<area target="" alt="Chiro Village" title="Chiro Village" href="/chirovillage.html" coords="200,350,312,462" shape="rect">
<area target="" alt="Ancient Grove" title="Ancient Grove" href="/ancientgrove.html" coords="290,330,400,420" shape="rect">
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text-align: center;
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border: 0.5vw solid;
margin: auto;
width: 50vw;
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width: 10vw;
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#petasi {
margin: 35vh 0.1vw 20vh;
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position: absolute;
margin-top: 52vh;
left: 10vw;
@media only
...但这并不完全有效。它有点扰乱了我的布局,虽然我不介意进行调整,但它就是不起作用,如果它在不调整我的布局细节的情况下不起作用,我不认为它通常会以这种方式工作。但也许我只是没有采取更努力的态度。 (说实话,我非常沮丧,并且已经为此工作好几天了,哈哈,所以也许我太沮丧而无法付出更多努力)
我建议在浏览器中使用响应式布局功能(当然可以在 Chrome 和 Edge 中使用)。打开检查选项卡并启用响应式布局或选择设备布局。然后在浏览器中使用 edit as HTML 编辑 css。尝试向元素添加不同的样式,并找到可以增强网站在设备中的责任的最佳代码 另外,我无法理解您想要做什么,因为您提到的网站不具有移动响应能力