
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


using System;
class elevator{
    public static void Main(string[] args){
        string response;

        // Create an instance of the random class
        Random random = new Random();

        // Return a random non negative interger. Max is set to 4 as it is exclusive and will set the true max to 3.
        int compChoice = random.Next(1, 4); 

        Console.Write("Do you want to play Rock, Paper, Scissors? ");
        response = Console.ReadLine();
        response = response.ToUpper();

        while(response == "YES"){

            // If statements displaying auto generated play for first player.
            if(compChoice == 1){
                Console.WriteLine("First player <computer> Selection - Rock");
            if(compChoice == 2){
                Console.WriteLine("First player <computer> Selection - Paper");
            if(compChoice == 3){
                Console.WriteLine("First player <computer> Selection - Scissors");

            // Allow user to make selection
            Console.Write("Second Player Selection - <Type 1,2, or 3. Rock = 1, Paper = 2, or Scissors = 3>: ");
                int secondPlayer = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            // Determine Winner
            if (secondPlayer == 1 & compChoice == 1) {
                Console.WriteLine("You both chose rock!");
            if (secondPlayer == 1 & compChoice == 2) {
                Console.WriteLine("Player two wins! Paper covers rock.");
            if (secondPlayer == 1 & compChoice == 3) {
                Console.WriteLine("Player one wins! Rock smashes scissors.");
            if (secondPlayer == 2 & compChoice == 1) {
                Console.WriteLine("Player one wins! Paper covers rock.");
            if (secondPlayer == 2 & compChoice == 2) {
                Console.WriteLine("You both chose paper!");
            if (secondPlayer == 2 & compChoice == 3) {
                Console.WriteLine("Player two wins! Scissors cut paper.");
            if (secondPlayer == 3 & compChoice == 1) {
                Console.WriteLine("Player two wins! Rock smashes scissors.");
            if (secondPlayer == 3 & compChoice == 2) {
                Console.WriteLine("Player one wins! Scissors cut paper.");
            if (secondPlayer == 3 & compChoice == 3) {
                Console.WriteLine("You both chose scissors!");

            // Ask user if they want to play another round
            Console.Write("Do you want to play Rock, Paper, Scissors? ");
            response = Console.ReadLine();
            // Convert response to all caps
            response = response.ToUpper();

    Console.WriteLine("Thanks for playing!");
c# class random


while (response == "YES") {
    int compChoice = random.Next(1, 4); 



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