我目前正在进行一个项目,我需要知道从哪一天开始进行鸟类监测更方便/相关。为此,我想制作一条累积曲线,其中包含每个日期(x 轴)的累积物种数(y 轴)。我最初使用
包中的 vegan
我还简单地记录了每个日期的物种数量,并用 ggplot
数据为法语 Espèce = 物种
PDM<- data.frame(
Espèce= c("Corneille noire", "Alouette des champs", "Pipit farlouse", "Faisan de colchide", "Faisan de colchide", "Faisan de colchide",
"Pipit farlouse", "Pipit farlouse", "Alouette des champs", "Corneille noire", "Mésange charbonnière", "Merle noir",
"Étourneau sansonnet", "Pipit farlouse", "Pipit farlouse", "Alouette des champs", "Pipit farlouse", "Accenteur mouchet",
"Linotte mélodieuse", "Corneille noire", "Corbeau freux", "Alouette des champs", "Pinson des arbres", "Pipit farlouse",
"Merle noir", "Accenteur mouchet", "Mésange bleue", "Pigeon ramier", "Pigeon colombin", "Mésange charbonnière",
"Faisan de colchide", "Mouette rieuse", "Vanneau huppé", "Corneille noire", "Corneille noire", "Pigeon ramier",
"Pipit farlouse"),
Nombre= c(2, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 6, 6, 2, 3, 1, 1, 6, 6, 8, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 7, 8, 3, 2, 6, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 7, 2, 3, 1, 4, 7, 6, 5),
Date = c("04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022",
"04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022", "04/01/2022",
"21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022",
"21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022",
"21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022", "21/01/2022"))
PDM <- PDM %>%
dplyr::select(Espèce, Date,Nombre) %>%
group_by(Date, Espèce) %>%
summarize(n = sum(Nombre))
PDM$Espèce <- as.factor(PDM$Espèce)
PDM <- PDM[!(PDM$Espèce %in% c("Lièvre variable", "Blaireau d'Europe","Lièvre d'Europe","Chat domestique","Chevreuil","Hermine","Lapin")),] # I removed mammals species, as I only study birds
PDM$Espèce <- droplevels(PDM$Espèce)
PDM <- PDM[order(as.Date(PDM$Date,format = "%d/%m/%Y")),]
PDM.w <- PDM %>% pivot_wider(names_from = "Espèce", values_from = "n",values_fill = 0)
PDM.w<- as.data.frame(PDM.w[,2:(ncol(PDM.w))])
PDM_courbe_2_ALL <- specaccum(PDM.w)
plot(PDM_courbe_2_ALL, col = "blue",ci.type = "poly", ci.col = "lightblue", ci.lty = 0, ylab = "Nombre of species",xlab = "Nomber of visits", main = "Accumulation curves Site1", font.sub = 4)
这里是 ggplot :
PDM <- PDM %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
summarise(n_sp = length(Espèce))
ggplot(PDM_sp) + aes(x= Date, y = n_sp) +geom_point() + geom_smooth(fill = "lightblue") + theme_classic() + ylab("Number of species")+geom_label_repel(aes(label = as.character(Date)),
box.padding = 0.35,
point.padding = 0.7,
segment.color = 'black')+ labs(title = "Number of species through time", subtitle = "Site1")
这就是我正在寻找的: 这看起来很简单,但由于某些原因,我很难弄清楚如何计算每个日期的new物种的数量(以便之后累积每个数字)。我非常感谢您的反馈。
i <- order(PDM$Date)
specaccum(PDM[i, ], method = "collector") # order PDM by Date and collect