生成所有可能的 3X3 幻方的最佳方法是什么?

问题描述 投票:0回答:6

幻方:任何行、列或对角线长度的总和始终等于相同的数字。所有 9 个数字都是不同的正整数。

我在 JavaScript 中这样做,但是生成所有这些的最佳方法是什么?

function getMagicSquare() {

let myArray = [
    [4, 9, 2],
    [3, 5, 7],
    [8, 1, 5]

for (let index1 = 1; index1 < 10; index1++) {
    for (let index2 = 1; index2 < 10; index2++) {
        for (let index3 = 1; index3 < 10; index3++) {
            for (let index4 = 1; index4 < 10; index4++) {
                for (let index5 = 1; index5 < 10; index5++) {
                    for (let index6 = 1; index6 < 10; index6++) {
                        for (let index7 = 1; index7 < 10; index7++) {
                            for (let index8 = 1; index8 < 10; index8++) {
                                for (let index9 = 1; index9 < 10; index9++)
                                // if numbers are not distinct for each loop, I can break the loop and make it a bit faster
                                    const mySet = new Set();
                                    if ((mySet.size === 9))
                                        if (
                                            (index1 + index2 + index3 === index4 + index5 + index6) &&
                                            (index4 + index5 + index6 === index7 + index8 + index9) &&
                                            (index7 + index8 + index9 === index1 + index4 + index7) &&
                                            (index1 + index4 + index7 === index2 + index5 + index8) &&
                                            (index2 + index5 + index8 === index3 + index6 + index9) &&
                                            (index3 + index6 + index9 === index1 + index5 + index9) &&
                                            (index1 + index5 + index9 === index3 + index5 + index7)
                                        ) {
                                            myArray[0][0] = index1;
                                            myArray[0][1] = index2;
                                            myArray[0][2] = index3;
                                            myArray[1][0] = index4;
                                            myArray[1][1] = index5;
                                            myArray[1][2] = index6;
                                            myArray[2][0] = index7;
                                            myArray[2][1] = index8;
                                            myArray[2][2] = index9;





algorithm magic-square



from collections import defaultdict, deque
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import time

def magicSum(n):
    return int((n*n * (n*n + 1)) / 6)

def validate(sumDict, n):
    for k, v in sumDict.items():
        if v > magicSum(n):
            return False
    return True

def check(sumDict, n):
    for k, v in sumDict.items():
        if v != magicSum(n):
            return False
    return True

def isValid(m, n):
    rowSum = defaultdict(int)
    colSum = defaultdict(int)
    diagSum = defaultdict(int)

    isLeft = False

    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if m[i][j] == 0: isLeft = True
            rowSum[i] += m[i][j]
            colSum[j] += m[i][j]
            if i == j: diagSum[0] += m[i][j]
            if i + j == n - 1: diagSum[n - 1] += m[i][j]

    if isLeft:
        return (validate(rowSum, n) and validate(colSum, n) and validate(diagSum, n))       
    return (check(rowSum, n) and check(colSum, n) and check(diagSum, n))        

def next(cur, m, n):
    possible = []
    for i in range(n): 
        for j in range(n):
            if m[i][j] == 0:
                nextM = deepcopy(m)
                nextM[i][j] = cur
                if isValid(nextM, n):
    return possible

def printM(m):
    for i in range(len(m)):

def gen(n):
    startM = [[0 for x in range(n)] for y in range(n)]
    magic = []
    Q = deque([(1, startM)])
    while len(Q):
        state = Q.popleft()
        cur = state[0]
        m = state[1]
        if cur == n * n + 1:
        for w in next(cur, m, n):
            Q.append((cur + 1, w))
    return magic

start_time = time.time()
magic = gen(3)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
print("Elapsed time: ", elapsed_time)


[6, 1, 8]
[7, 5, 3]
[2, 9, 4]

[8, 1, 6]
[3, 5, 7]
[4, 9, 2]

[6, 7, 2]
[1, 5, 9]
[8, 3, 4]

[8, 3, 4]
[1, 5, 9]
[6, 7, 2]

[2, 7, 6]
[9, 5, 1]
[4, 3, 8]

[4, 3, 8]
[9, 5, 1]
[2, 7, 6]

[2, 9, 4]
[7, 5, 3]
[6, 1, 8]

[4, 9, 2]
[3, 5, 7]
[8, 1, 6]

Elapsed time:  13.479725122451782



下面是生成所有 8 个 3x3 幻方的 Javascript 实现。


  1. 生成一个 3x3 幻方(geeksforgeeks 文章)。
  2. 通过反射和旋转导出剩余的幻方(基于 Presh Talwalkar 的博客)。还有另一种方法,您可以生成前 4 组 3x3 幻方,然后通过每个元素减去 10 来导出剩余的 4 组。

function generateMagic3x3(n) {
  let i, j;
  i = Math.floor(n / 2);
  j = n - 1;
  let baseMatrix = [
  baseMatrix[i][j] = 1;

  for (let k = 2; k <= n * n; k++) {
    i -= 1;
    j += 1;

    if (i < 0 && j === n) {
      i = 0;
      j = n - 2;
    } else if (i < 0) {
      i = n - 1;
    } else if (j === n) {
      j = 0;

    if (typeof baseMatrix[i][j] === 'number') {
      i += 1;
      j -= 2;

    baseMatrix[i][j] = k;
  const baseMatrix2 = reflectDiag(baseMatrix);


function reflectColumns(matrix) {
  var newMatrix = matrix.map(function(arr) {
    return arr.slice();
  for (let row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
    newMatrix[row][0] = matrix[row][2];
    newMatrix[row][2] = matrix[row][0];
  return newMatrix;

function reflectRows(matrix) {
  var newMatrix = matrix.map(function(arr) {
    return arr.slice();
  for (let column = 0; column < matrix.length; column++) {
    newMatrix[0][column] = matrix[2][column];
    newMatrix[2][column] = matrix[0][column];
  return newMatrix;

function reflectDiag(matrix) {
  var newMatrix = matrix.map(function(arr) {
    return arr.slice();
  for (let row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
    for (let column = 0; column < matrix.length; column++) {
      if (row !== column) {
        newMatrix[row][column] = matrix[column][row];
  return newMatrix;

function renderMatrix(matrix) {
  const table = document.createElement('table');
  let resBox = document.getElementById('res')
  for (let row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
    const tr = table.insertRow(row);
    for (let column = 0; column < matrix.length; column++) {
      const cell = tr.insertCell(column);
      cell.innerHTML = matrix[row][column];

table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
  margin: 10px;

td {
  border: 1px solid #000;
  text-align: center;
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
<div id='res'></div>

  1. 只有一个3×3的幻方(最多旋转和镜像)。生成它的最佳方法是在程序中对其(或其 8 次旋转和镜像)进行硬编码。
  2. N×N 幻方的枚举是一个悬而未决的问题。甚至不知道有多少个6×6幻方(估计数量约为1.77e19)wikipedia.


这是我的解决方案。它速度非常快,但内存占用很大。此实现不适用于 4+ 阶的平方,因为那时您将尝试将 16 个阶乘排列加载到内存中。


import numpy as np
import itertools as it

a = it.permutations((range(1, 10)))
b = np.fromiter(it.chain(*a), dtype=np.uint8).reshape(-1,3,3)

ma = np.array([15,15,15])

rs = np.sum(b.reshape(-1,3), axis=1).reshape(-1,3) #row sums
cs = np.sum(b, axis=1) #col sums
ds = np.trace(b, axis1=2, axis2=1) #diag sums
dr = np.trace(np.flip(b,axis=1), axis1=2) #diag flipped sums

i = np.all(rs == ma, axis=1) & np.all(cs == ma, axis=1) & (ds == 15) & (dr == 15)
r = b[i]




bool is_magic(int n, vector<int> vec, int m_sum) {
    vector<vector<int>> values(3, vector<int>(3, -1));

    for(int i=0; i<9; i++) values[i/3][i%3] = vec[i];

    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        int r_sum = 0;
        int c_sum = 0;
        int ld_sum = 0;
        int rd_sum = 0;
        for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
        if (r_sum!=m_sum) return false;
        if (c_sum!=m_sum) return false;
        if (ld_sum!=m_sum) return false;
        if (rd_sum!=m_sum) return false;
    return true;

void magicSquare(int n) {
    vector<int> values = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    int m_sum = accumulate(values.begin(), values.end(), 0)/3;
    vector<vector<int> > combs;
    do {
        if(is_magic(n, values, m_sum)) combs.push_back(values);
    }  while(next_permutation(values.begin(), values.end())); 


2 7 6 
9 5 1 
4 3 8 

2 9 4 
7 5 3 
6 1 8 

4 3 8 
9 5 1 
2 7 6 

4 9 2 
3 5 7 
8 1 6 

6 1 8 
7 5 3 
2 9 4 

6 7 2 
1 5 9 
8 3 4 

8 1 6 
3 5 7 
4 9 2 

8 3 4 
1 5 9 
6 7 2 

[Done] exited with code=0 in 1.65 seconds


首先,您必须接受这样一个事实:所有幻方的中心值(即 yourArray[1][1])必须为 5,否则请转向 这个答案 进行推理。

相信中心值(让我们将其表示为 c)必须为 5,很明显,尽管可能需要一些思考,但我们可以使用下面的数字分配构造一个初始矩阵:

c+a      c-a-b      c+b
c-a+b      c        c+a-b
c-b      c+a+b      c-a

如果您发现很难找出正确的布局,您需要思考一下惯性矩和质心的概念。简而言之,你必须让权重较重的元素(即 c+a+b、c-a-b 等)尽可能靠近中心,并使权重较轻的元素远离中心。

一旦我们有了初始矩阵,剩下的步骤就容易多了,考虑到幻方的性质,将矩阵旋转 90 度的倍数,镜像矩阵,将镜像旋转 90 度的倍数,给我们所有有效的幻方:

m = [[4, 9, 2],
     [3, 5, 7],
     [8, 1, 6]]

def rotateBy45Degree( A ):
    # col3 -> row1
    row1 = [A[i][2] for i in range( 3 )]
    # col2 -> row2
    row2 = [A[i][1] for i in range( 3 )]
    # col1 -> row3
    row3 = [A[i][0] for i in range( 3 )]
    return [row1, row2, row3]

print( m )

next = rotateBy45Degree( m )
while next != m:
    print( next )
    next = rotateBy45Degree( next )

# mirror
m[0][0], m[1][0], m[2][0], m[0][2], m[1][2], m[2][2] = m[0][2], m[1][2], m[2][2], m[0][0], m[1][0], m[2][0]
print( m )

next = rotateBy45Degree( m )
while next != m:
    print( next )
    next = rotateBy45Degree( next )
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