Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess 如何传递参数并等待结果

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我想知道子流程在 Mojolicious 中是如何工作的。


use Mojo::Base -strict, -signatures;
use Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess;

show "BEFORE";

        say "(START) This is $_ loop";
        my $subprocess = Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess->new;
            map {
                sub {
                    my $sp = shift; # $subprocess
                    my $i = shift; # looking to get my param here
                    say "Hello, from $i!";
                    sleep 5;
                    say "Good bye, from $i!";
                    return 'Done', $i;
                sub ($subprocess, $err, @results) {
                    say "Subprocess error: $err" and return if $err;
                    say "$results[0] SP: $results[1]!";
             } $_ # assuming to send the $_ from the for() loop
        $subprocess->ioloop->start unless $subprocess->ioloop->is_running;
        say "(END) This is $_ loop";
show "AFTER";


======(  "BEFORE"  )===========[ '', line 168 ]======


(START) This is 0 loop
(END) This is 0 loop
(START) This is 1 loop
(END) This is 1 loop
(START) This is 2 loop
(END) This is 2 loop
(START) This is 3 loop
(END) This is 3 loop
(START) This is 4 loop
(END) This is 4 loop
(START) This is 5 loop
(END) This is 5 loop
======(  "AFTER"  )============[ '', line 197 ]======


Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 181.
Hello, from !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 181.
Hello, from !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 181.
Hello, from !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 181.
Hello, from !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 181.
Hello, from !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 181.
Hello, from !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 183.
Good bye, from !
Use of uninitialized value $results[1] in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 188.
Done SP: !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 183.
Good bye, from !
Use of uninitialized value $results[1] in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 188.
Done SP: !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 183.
Good bye, from !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 183.
Good bye, from !
Use of uninitialized value $results[1] in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 188.
Done SP: !
Use of uninitialized value $results[1] in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 188.
Done SP: !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 183.
Good bye, from !
Use of uninitialized value $i in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 183.
Good bye, from !
Use of uninitialized value $results[1] in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 188.
Done SP: !
Use of uninitialized value $results[1] in concatenation (.) or string at /home/sites/somesite/myapp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/ line 188.
Done SP: !


  1. 我找不到如何运行一个进程并在所有子进程完成之前保持主子进程的方式(在parallel中)(因此,
    字符串必须在所有子进程完成后运行)。我希望通过循环运行多个子进程,并需要它们以 parallel 的方式工作并阻塞主程序,直到所有程序都完成(这个想法就像 Promise 中的 all() 一样,但在每个子进程中接受阻塞代码子进程,这不会阻止其他子进程并行运行)。
  2. 我无法将参数传递给子流程。尝试使用 map(),但这毫无意义 - 我总是只有默认的

做了什么: 我花了几个小时研究 Future async/await、Mojo async/await、Promise 等等,但是如果你有阻塞代码(例如,

或 perl 内置循环),它就不起作用,这是可以预见的.


可以看出,如果我从子流程中打印出来,它总是为每次迭代提供新的价值)。但我找不到办法 - 如何摆脱它所描述的问题。


perl parallel-processing subprocess mojolicious mojo
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