这是 COCO RLE 掩码的示例 - https://pastebin.com/ZhE2en4C
这是 YOLOv8 验证运行的输出,取自生成的 Predictions.json 文件。
我正在尝试在 JavaScript 中解码该字符串并将其呈现在画布上。编码的字符串是有效的,因为在 python 中我可以这样做:
from pycocotools import mask as coco_mask
from PIL import Image
example_prediction = {
"image_id": "102_jpg",
"category_id": 0,
"bbox": [153.106, 281.433, 302.518, 130.737],
"score": 0.8483,
"segmentation": {
"size": [640, 640],
"counts": "<RLE string here>"
def rle_to_bitmap(rle):
bitmap = coco_mask.decode(rle)
return bitmap
def show_bitmap(bitmap):
img = Image.fromarray(bitmap.astype(np.uint8) * 255, mode='L')
input("Press Enter to continue...")
mask_bitmap = rle_to_bitmap(example_prediction["segmentation"])
是否有一个库可以用来解码 JavaScript 中的相同字符串并将其转换为
?我尝试深入研究 pycocotools 的源代码,但我做不到。
这是两者的示例 (以全页模式打开查看缩放结果):
// Styling and scaling just for demo
let wrapper = document.createElement("div")
wrapper.style.transformOrigin = "left top"
wrapper.style.transform = "scale(10)"
document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#121212'
document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden'
// Helpers
function createCanvas(width, height) {
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas")
canvas.style.border = "1px solid white"
canvas.height = height
canvas.width = width
// Comment this line if you need only image sources
return canvas
function randomColorRGBA() {
return [
Math.round(Math.random() * 255),
Math.round(Math.random() * 255),
Math.round(Math.random() * 255),
// Decode from RLE to Binary Mask Matrix
// (slow approach, just is case you need matrix representation)
function decodeCocoRLE([rows, cols], counts) {
// Init matrix filled with 'zeros', size [cols x rows]
// Matrix actually is a two dimensional array
// with 'rows' nested arrays, 'cols' elements each
let binaryMask = Array.from({length: rows}, (_, i) => Array(cols).fill(0)),
rleLength = counts.length,
processedPixelsCount = 0;
// All we need to do is parse the RLE
// and populate our matrix with 'ones'
for (let i = 0; i < rleLength; i += 2) {
let zeros = counts[i],
ones = counts[i + 1] ?? 0,
pixelPosition = processedPixelsCount + zeros
processedPixelsCount += zeros + ones
while (ones > 0) {
// Calculate the pixel position in the matrix
const rowIndex = pixelPosition % rows;
const colIndex = (pixelPosition - rowIndex) / rows;
binaryMask[rowIndex][colIndex] = 1
console.log("Result matrix:")
binaryMask.forEach((row) => console.log(row.join(" ")))
return binaryMask
// Decode from RLE to Flattened Binary Mask
// (much faster approach)
function decodeCocoRLEtoFlat([rows, cols], counts) {
let binaryMaskFlattened = Array(rows * cols).fill(0),
processedPixelsCount = 0;
for (let i = 0, rleLength = counts.length; i < rleLength; i += 2) {
let zeros = counts[i],
ones = counts[i + 1] ?? 0,
pixelPosition = processedPixelsCount + zeros
processedPixelsCount += zeros + ones
while (ones > 0) {
const rowIndex = pixelPosition % rows
const colIndex = (pixelPosition - rowIndex) / rows
const arrayIndex = rowIndex * cols + colIndex
binaryMaskFlattened[arrayIndex] = 1
return binaryMaskFlattened
// 1. Draw from mask
function drawFromBinaryMask({size, counts}) {
let fillColor = randomColorRGBA(),
height = size[0],
width = size[1]
let canvas = createCanvas(width, height),
canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
imgData = canvasCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height),
pixelData = imgData.data
// If you need matrix output
// let maskFlattened = decodeCocoRLE(size, counts).flat(),
// maskLength = maskFlattened.length;
// If not - it's better to use faster approach
let maskFlattened = decodeCocoRLEtoFlat(size, counts),
maskLength = maskFlattened.length;
for(let i = 0; i < maskLength; i++) {
if (maskFlattened[i] === 1) {
let pixelPosition = i * 4
pixelData[pixelPosition] = fillColor[0]
pixelData[pixelPosition + 1] = fillColor[1]
pixelData[pixelPosition + 2] = fillColor[2]
pixelData[pixelPosition + 3] = fillColor[3]
canvasCtx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0)
// If needed you can return data:image/png
// to use it as an image.src
return canvas.toDataURL()
// 2. Draw using virtual canvas
function drawDirectlyFromRle({size: [rows, cols], counts}) {
let fillColor = randomColorRGBA(),
isOnesInterval = false,
start = 0,
end = 0
let realCanvas = createCanvas(cols, rows),
realCtx = realCanvas.getContext("2d")
let virtualCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"),
virtualCtx = virtualCanvas.getContext("2d")
virtualCanvas.width = rows
virtualCanvas.height = cols
let imgData = virtualCtx.getImageData(0, 0, rows, cols),
pixelData = imgData.data
counts.forEach((interval) => {
end = start + interval * 4
if (isOnesInterval) {
for (let i = start; i < end; i += 4) {
pixelData[i] = fillColor[0]
pixelData[i + 1] = fillColor[1]
pixelData[i + 2] = fillColor[2]
pixelData[i + 3] = fillColor[3]
start = end
isOnesInterval = !isOnesInterval
virtualCtx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0)
realCtx.scale(-1, 1)
realCtx.drawImage(virtualCanvas, 0, 0)
// If needed you can return data:image/png
// to use it as an image.src
return realCanvas.toDataURL()
// Test RLE
const exampleCocoRLE = {counts: [6, 1, 40, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 21], size: [9, 10]}
// Draw on canvas
let imageSrc1 = drawFromBinaryMask(exampleCocoRLE),
imageSrc2 = drawDirectlyFromRle(exampleCocoRLE)
console.log("Canvas 1 image:\n", imageSrc1)
console.log("Canvas 2 image:\n", imageSrc2)
// Example of src usage
let image1 = document.createElement("img"),
image2 = document.createElement("img")
image1.onload = () => {
image2.onload = () => {
image1.src = imageSrc1
image2.src = imageSrc2