list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam'];
str = 'Adam Smith Jr.';
// output: 'Mr. Adam Smith Junior'
我已经尝试过对单词进行标记,对于列表中的每个项目,它都与2个令牌(Adam / Smith / Jr。)相匹配。但是我的预期输出是list [0]。因此,我需要一种解决方案,以按最匹配的单词序列查找匹配的字符串。
var list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam'];
var str = 'Adam Smith Jr.';
// This loop finds the best matching string in the array and
// and prints it in the console
function findBestMatch(arr, s) {
for (var i = s.length; i > 1; i--) {
var found = arr.find(function(ele) {
return ele.indexOf(s.substr(0, i)) > -1;
}) || [];
if (found.length) {
findBestMatch(list, str);
var list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam'];
var str = 'Adam Smith Jr.';
function onlyUnique(value, index, self) {
// See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14438954/2142071
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
function getBestMatch(word, list, minimal_length) {
// Minimal length is used to make the search more meaningful;
// single character searches would not be helpful most of the times
if ( word.length < minimal_length ) {
return ['', -1]; // None found, word is too short
// Pre-process search RegEx patterns
var patterns = [];
var words = [];
// For all possible starting positions inside `word`:
// So:
// Adam Smith Jr.
// dam Smith Jr.
// am Smith Jr.
// .. etc ..
for (var i = 0; i <= word.length - minimal_length; i++) {
var temp_word = word.substring(i);
// For every part of the remainder of `word`:
// So:
// Adam Smith Jr.
// Adam Smith Jr
// Adam Smith J
// .. etc ..
for (var j = minimal_length; j <= temp_word.length; j++) {
// Add that word part to a central array of patterns to search for in list
var word_part = temp_word.substring(0, j);
words[ words.length ] = word_part;
// Sort all unique word parts
words = words.filter( onlyUnique );
words.sort(function(a, b){
// (longest parts first, since they are assumed a better match)
return b.length - a.length;
// For every word part:
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
// Create RegEx pattern
var pattern = new RegExp( words[ i ] );
// Search each item in the list using this pattern for a match.
for (var n = 0; n < list.length; n++) {
if ( words[ i ].length <= list[ n ].length ) {
if ( pattern.test( list[ n ] ) ) {
// Return the first match and its index
return [list[ n ], n];
return ['', -1]; // None found
var match = getBestMatch(str, list, 2);
// match[0] is the matched item
// match[1] is the index of that item in the list
console.log( match[0], 'at index', match[1] );
中的每个项目)[Hence,搜索是它自己的编程业务。 ;)
// Your code request - Updated code.
var list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam'];
var str = 'Adam Smith Jr.';
// Updated code.
str = str.split(' ');
var i = 0, j = 0;
var matched = [];
// First loop for your `list` variable array to go through each string.
while(i < str.length){
// Second loop for your `str` variable to match each part of string with your `list` variable's each string.
for(j=0;j < list.length;j++){
var match = new RegExp( str[i], 'g' );
// Find exact match - Your code goes here.
// Your result of find the all matched values from `list` variable.
// Your code request.
var list = ['Mr. Adam Smith Junior', 'Anna Smith Jr.', 'Adam Jhon Smith', 'Smith Adam'];
var str = 'Adam Smith Jr.';
// Updated code.
str = str.split(' ');
var i = 0, j = 0;
// First loop for your `list` variable array to go through each string.
while(i < list.length){
// Second loop for your `str` variable to match each part of string with your `list` variable's each string.
while(j < str.length){
// Added regex you can find online for more information.
var match = new RegExp( str[j], 'g' );
// Find exact match - Your code goes here.
console.log('String matched: ', str[j]);