如何在C ++中有效地分组成千上万的数据输入?

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是否有一种有效的方法可以在C ++中执行此操作,而无需手动定义数千个数组?我知道这样的应用程序可能更适合Matlab或R之类的数据处理语言,但是我想看到一些不同的解决方案。

c++ data-processing


#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>

unsigned int CalculateSecondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay(int whichDay, int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
   unsigned int ret = seconds;
   ret += (minutes*60);
   ret += (hours*60*60);
   ret += (whichDay*24*60*60);
   return ret;

unsigned int CalculateGroupIDFromSeconds(unsigned int secondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay, unsigned int secondsPerGroup)
   return (secondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay/secondsPerGroup);

int main(int, char **)
   std::vector<unsigned int> rows;

   // parse out the .csv files and add the timestamps
   // into (rows) here; for this example, I'll just fake it
   rows.push_back(CalculateSecondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay(3,  6,  2, 15));
   rows.push_back(CalculateSecondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay(0, 18, 35, 59));
   rows.push_back(CalculateSecondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay(2,  8, 12, 17));
   rows.push_back(CalculateSecondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay(2,  8, 12, 18));
   rows.push_back(CalculateSecondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay(2,  8, 12, 19));
   // ... and so on

   // Now sort the data so that all timestamps are listed in increasing order
   std::sort(rows.begin(), rows.end());

   // Now that the vector is sorted, we can calculate the offset of each group within it
   const unsigned int groupSizeInSeconds = 10;

   unsigned int prevGroupID = (unsigned int) -1;
   for (size_t i=0; i<rows.size(); i++)
      unsigned int curGroupID = CalculateGroupIDFromSeconds(rows[i], groupSizeInSeconds);
      if (curGroupID != prevGroupID)
         printf("Group #%u starts at index #%lu in the array\n", curGroupID, i);
         prevGroupID = curGroupID;

   return 0;

如果发现除了时间戳值,您还需要跟踪每个CSV行中的其他数据,则可以将std::vector<unsigned int>替换为std::vector<MyDataRecordClass>,其中MyDataRecordClass是您要输入的classstruct定义同时包含时间戳值和您需要与该值保持在一起的任何其他信息的成员变量;在这种情况下,您还需要实现operator < (const MyDataRecordClass &> constMyDataRecordClassreturn (this->_secondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay < rhs._secondsSinceMidnightOnFirstDay);方法,以便std::sort()知道如何正确地将向量按时间戳的升序排序。

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