symfony serializer中有xmlencoder,通过使用它我们可以实现这一点。
$data = ['foo' => 'Foo value'];
$encoder = new XmlEncoder();
$encoder->encode($data, 'xml');
// is encoded as follows:
// <?xml version="1.0"?>
// <response>
// <foo>
// Foo value
// </foo>
// </response>
// is encoded as follows:
// <?xml version="1.0"?>
// <!DOCTYPE response SYSTEM "pathto.dtd">
// <response>
// .....
有没有办法用 symfony 序列化器来实现这一点?
不幸的是,Symfony Serializer 的
没有内置机制来将 <!DOCTYPE>
声明添加到生成的 XML 中。但是,您可以通过对序列化的 XML 输出进行后处理来实现此目的。本质上,您需要修改生成的 XML 字符串,以在 XML 声明 (<!DOCTYPE>
) 之后包含 <?xml version="1.0"?>
public function addDoctypeToXml(string $xmlString, string $doctype): string
// Append the provided DOCTYPE declaration after the XML declaration
$updatedXml = preg_replace(
'/(<\?xml[^>]+\?>)/', // Match the XML declaration (e.g., <?xml version="1.0"?>)
'$1' . PHP_EOL . $doctype, // Append the DOCTYPE declaration right after the match
1 // Only replace the first occurrence
return $updatedXml;
您现在可以在序列化数据后使用此功能添加自定义 DOCTYPE。例如:
public function generateXmlWithDoctype($data, $context = [])
// Step 1: Serialize the data using Symfony Serializer's XmlEncoder
$serializer = new Serializer([], [new XmlEncoder()]);
$xmlString = $serializer->serialize($data, 'xml', $context);
// Step 2: Define your DOCTYPE declaration
$doctype = '<!DOCTYPE response SYSTEM "path-to-your.dtd">';
// Step 3: Add the DOCTYPE to the serialized XML
return $this->addDoctypeToXml($xmlString, $doctype);