我想从我的Excel文件中的C列检索“ REF”属性的值。
Approval Memo of : SHILPI AKTER
Name of the Applicant : SHILPI AKTER
Name of Territory : Comilla
Total Family Expenses : 30000
Ref : N/A
Amount : N/A
Total Amount : 3000
属性值。 这是我的代码:
import os
import openpyxl
from openpyxl.utils import column_index_from_string
file_path = r"D:\file\input\example.xlsx"
if os.path.exists(file_path):
print("File exists!")
print("File not found! Check the path.")
target_sheet = "Output Approval Templete"
# Define the properties to extract
properties = [
"Approval Memo of",
"Name of the Applicant",
"Name of Territory",
"Total Family Expenses",
"Total Amount"
# Function to get the actual value from a merged cell
def get_merged_cell_value(sheet, row, col):
for merged_range in sheet.merged_cells.ranges:
min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col = merged_range.bounds # Extract merged cell bounds
if min_row <= row <= max_row and min_col <= col <= max_col:
return sheet.cell(min_row, min_col).value # Return the first cell's value of the merged range
return sheet.cell(row, col).value
# Function to format numeric values properly
def format_value(value):
if isinstance(value, float) and value > 1e10: # Large numbers like NID
return str(int(value)) # Convert to integer and string to avoid scientific notation
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): # General number formatting
return str(value)
elif value is None:
return "N/A" # Handle missing values
return str(value).strip()
# Load the workbook
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path, data_only=True)
if target_sheet not in wb.sheetnames:
print(f"Sheet '{target_sheet}' not found in the file.")
ws = wb[target_sheet]
extracted_data = {}
# Iterate over rows to extract data
for row in ws.iter_rows():
for cell in row:
# Check if the cell value is a property we are looking for
if cell.value and isinstance(cell.value, str) and cell.value.strip() in properties:
prop_name = cell.value.strip()
col_idx = cell.column # Get column index (1-based)
next_col_idx = col_idx + 1 # Next column index
# Ensure next column exists within sheet bounds
if next_col_idx <= ws.max_column:
# Check if the cell is merged, and get its value
next_value = get_merged_cell_value(ws, cell.row, next_col_idx)
# Store the formatted value for the property
extracted_data[prop_name] = format_value(next_value) # Store extracted value
# Print extracted values
for key, value in extracted_data.items():
print(f"{key} : {value}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading workbook: {e}")
该代码假定合并单元格仅行。 还假设关键名称是单元格与属性列表中的名称完全相同import os
import openpyxl
def get_next_cell(lc):
for merge in ws.merged_cells:
if lc in merge.coord:
return merge.top[-1][1]+1
def format_value(value):
if isinstance(value, float) and value > 1e10: # Large numbers like NID
return str(int(value)) # Convert to integer and string to avoid scientific notation
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): # General number formatting
return str(value)
elif value is None:
return "N/A" # Handle missing values
return str(value).strip()
# Define the properties to extract
properties = [
"Approval Memo of",
"Name of the Applicant",
"Name of Territory",
"Total Family Expenses",
"Total Amount"
# Init Dictionary
extracted_data = {}
# Set working sheet name
target_sheet = "Output Approval Templete"
# Load the workbook
file_path = r"D:\file\input\example.xlsx"
if os.path.exists(file_path):
print("File exists!\n")
print("File not found! Check the path.")
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path, data_only=True)
ws = wb.active
# Check working sheet exists
if target_sheet not in wb.sheetnames:
print(f"Sheet '{target_sheet}' not found in the file.")
ws = wb[target_sheet]
# Process rows
for row in ws.iter_rows(1):
for cell in row:
col = 1
cv = cell.value
if isinstance(cell.value, str): # Strip white spaces if the cell value is a string
cv = cv.strip()
if cv in properties: # Process only cells with value in the 'properteries' List
co = cell.coordinate
print(f"Processing '{cv}' in 'Properties' List at cell {co}")
if co in ws.merged_cells: # Check if the current cell is in a merge
print('This is also a merged cell:')
col = get_next_cell(co) # If merged get the next col number after the merge range
col = cell.col_idx + 1 # If not merged get the next col number after the cell
next_value = ws.cell(cell.row, col).value # Get next cell value as determined by value of 'col'
print(f"Inserting Key: '{cv}' with Value: {next_value}")
extracted_data[cv] = format_value(next_value) # Add key and value to the dictionary
for key, value in extracted_data.items():
print(f"{key} : {value}")
Approval Memo of : SHILPI AKTER
Name of the Applicant : SHILPI AKTER
Name of Territory : Comilla
Total Family Expenses : 30000
Ref : 22000
Amount : 5000
Total Amount : 3000