fun main() = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
val result = getTitleAndLabel() // suspend function
// doSomthing with result
// Ambiguous coroutineContext due to CoroutineScope receiver of suspend function
suspend fun CoroutineScope.getTitleAndLabel() {
val titleDeferred = async { getTitle() }
val labelDeferred = async { getLabel() }
val (title, label) = listOf(titleDeferred, labelDeferred).awaitAll()
return Pair(title, label)
// It makes another CoroutineScope
suspend fun getTitleAndLabel() = coroutineScope {
val titleDeferred = async { getTitle() }
val labelDeferred = async { getLabel() }
val (title, label) = listOf(titleDeferred, labelDeferred).awaitAll()
return Pair(title, label)
// No need to do ContextSwitching
suspend fun getTitleAndLabel() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val titleDeferred = async { getTitle() }
val labelDeferred = async { getLabel() }
val (title, label) = listOf(titleDeferred, labelDeferred).awaitAll()
return Pair(title, label)
// Passing CoroutineScope as an argument?
suspend fun getTitleAndLabel(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope) {
val titleDeferred = coroutineScope.async { getTitle() }
val labelDeferred = coroutineScope.async { getLabel() }
val (title, label) = listOf(titleDeferred, labelDeferred).awaitAll()
return Pair(title, label)
#Case1, #Case2, #Case3, #Case4