我从 TensorFlow Hub 获取了一个模型,将其转换为 CoreML 模型,并尝试将其与我的 Xcode 项目完全集成。但是,尝试构建我的项目时出现错误:
/** Construct model instance asynchronously with URL of the .mlmodelc directory with optional configuration. Model loading may take time when the model content is not immediately available (e.g. encrypted model). Use this factory method especially when the caller is on the main thread.
- parameters:
- modelURL: the URL to the model
- configuration: the desired model configuration
- handler: the completion handler to be called when the model loading completes successfully or unsuccessfully
class func load(contentsOf modelURL: URL, configuration: MLModelConfiguration = MLModelConfiguration(), completionHandler handler: @escaping (Swift.Result<model, Error>) -> Void) {
MLModel.load(contentsOf: modelURL, configuration: configuration) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let model):
handler(.success(model(model: model)))
Construct model instance asynchronously with URL of the .mlmodelc directory with optional configuration.
Model loading may take time when the model content is not immediately available (e.g. encrypted model). Use this factory method especially when the caller is on the main thread.
- parameters:
- modelURL: the URL to the model
- configuration: the desired model configuration
class func load(contentsOf modelURL: URL, configuration: MLModelConfiguration = MLModelConfiguration()) async throws -> model {
let model = try await MLModel.load(contentsOf: modelURL, configuration: configuration)
return model(model: model)
有人在尝试在 Xcode 项目中使用 CoreML 模型时遇到过这个问题吗?如果是这样,如果可能的话,如果有人能指出我正确的方向,我将非常感激。
并且您还有名为 model