这是我第一次使用统一着色器,我正在学习本教程。在本教程中,他创建了一个 .hlsl 文件并创建了一个自定义函数,但是当我尝试这样做时,我收到错误消息“变量‘_CustomFunction_dad33bdd979a432eb742f1837c25625c_Direction_0’在第 176 行没有完全初始化就使用了”
我已经在网上搜索了 2 天,但似乎找不到太多,我找到了一些关于 UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT() 的信息,但我不确定它是否对我有帮助或如何使用它。我正在使用 Unity 版本 2021.3.21f1.
这是用于创建自定义函数的 .hlsl 文件中的代码
void MainLight_float(float3 WorldPos, out float3 Direction, out float3 Color, out float DistanceAtten, out float ShadowAtten)
//these values apply ONLY inside the shader graph window
Direction = float3(0.5, 0.5, 0);
Color = 1;
DistanceAtten = 1;
ShadowAtten = 1;
float4 clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(WorldPos);
float4 shadowCoord = ComputeScreenPos(clipPos);
float4 shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(WorldPos);
Light mainLight = GetMainLight(shadowCoord);
//Direction, Color, and Attenuation of light hitting the object
Direction = mainLight.direction;
Color = mainLight.color;
DistanceAtten = mainLight.distanceAttenuation;
ShadowAtten = mainLight.shadowAttenuation;
void MainLight_half(float3 WorldPos, out half3 Direction, out half3 Color, out half DistanceAtten, out half ShadowAtten)
Direction = half3(0.5, 0.5, 0);
Color = 1;
DistanceAtten = 1;
ShadowAtten = 1;
half4 clipPos = TransformWorldToHClip(WorldPos);
half4 shadowCoord = ComputeScreenPos(clipPos);
half4 shadowCoord = TransformWorldToShadowCoord(WorldPos);
Light mainLight = GetMainLight(shadowCoord);
Direction = mainLight.direction;
Color = mainLight.color;
DistanceAtten = mainLight.distanceAttenuation;
ShadowAtten = mainLight.shadowAttenuation;
void DirectSpecular_float(float3 Specular, float Smoothness, float3 Direction, float3 Color, float3 WorldNormal, float3 WorldView, out float3 Out)
Out = 0;
Smoothness = exp2(10 * Smoothness + 1);
WorldNormal = normalize(WorldNormal);
WorldView = SafeNormalize(WorldView);
Out = LightingSpecular(Color, Direction, WorldNormal, WorldView, float4(Specular, 0), Smoothness);
void DirectSpecular_half(half3 Specular, half Smoothness, half3 Direction, half3 Color, half3 WorldNormal, half3 WorldView, out half3 Out)
Out = 0;
Smoothness = exp2(10 * Smoothness + 1);
WorldNormal = normalize(WorldNormal);
WorldView = SafeNormalize(WorldView);
Out = LightingSpecular(Color, Direction, WorldNormal, WorldView, half4(Specular, 0), Smoothness);
void AdditionalLights_float(float3 SpecColor, float Smoothness, float3 WorldPosition, float3 WorldNormal, float3 WorldView, out float3 Diffuse, out float3 Specular)
float3 diffuseColor = 0;
float3 specularColor = 0;
Smoothness = exp2(10 * Smoothness + 1);
WorldNormal = normalize(WorldNormal);
WorldView = SafeNormalize(WorldView);
int pixelLightCount = GetAdditionalLightsCount();
for (int i = 0; i < pixelLightCount; ++i)
Light light = GetAdditionalLight(i, WorldPosition);
half3 attenuatedLightColor = light.color * (light.distanceAttenuation * light.shadowAttenuation);
diffuseColor += LightingLambert(attenuatedLightColor, light.direction, WorldNormal);
specularColor += LightingSpecular(attenuatedLightColor, light.direction, WorldNormal, WorldView, float4(SpecColor, 0), Smoothness);
Diffuse = diffuseColor;
Specular = specularColor;
void AdditionalLights_half(half3 SpecColor, half Smoothness, half3 WorldPosition, half3 WorldNormal, half3 WorldView, out half3 Diffuse, out half3 Specular)
half3 diffuseColor = 0;
half3 specularColor = 0;
Smoothness = exp2(10 * Smoothness + 1);
WorldNormal = normalize(WorldNormal);
WorldView = SafeNormalize(WorldView);
int pixelLightCount = GetAdditionalLightsCount();
for (int i = 0; i < pixelLightCount; ++i)
Light light = GetAdditionalLight(i, WorldPosition);
half3 attenuatedLightColor = light.color * (light.distanceAttenuation * light.shadowAttenuation);
diffuseColor += LightingLambert(attenuatedLightColor, light.direction, WorldNormal);
specularColor += LightingSpecular(attenuatedLightColor, light.direction, WorldNormal, WorldView, half4(SpecColor, 0), Smoothness);
Diffuse = diffuseColor;
Specular = specularColor;