
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



"a000!%5362657": {

    "address": "20 Ingram Street",
    "streetName": "Ingram Street",
    "streetNumber": "20",
    "streetDirection": "N",
    "unitNumber": "",
    "cityName": "Forest Hills",
    "countyName": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "zipcode": "11375",
    "listingPrice": "$1,151,000",
    "listingID": "5362657",
    "remarksConcat": "From nytimes.com: In the comics, Peter Parker, the mild-mannered photojournalist who is Spider-Man's alter ego, grew up at 20 Ingram Street, a modest, two-story boarding house run by his Aunt May in the heart of Forest Hills Gardens. The address actually exists and is home to a family named Parker: Andrew and Suzanne Parker, who moved there in 1974, and their two daughters. In 1989, the family began receiving junk mail addressed to Peter Parker. We got tons of it, Mrs. Parker said yesterday. Star Trek magazines, a Discover Card in his name, and notices from them over the years calling him a good customer. There were also prank phone calls, all of which she attributed to a teenager who found it funny that we had the same last name as Spider-Man.",
    "rntLse": "neither",
    "propStatus": "Active",
    "bedrooms": "3",
    "totalBaths": "2.75",
    "latitude": "40.712968",
    "longitude": "-73.843206",
    "acres": "0.24",
    "sqFt": "2,760",
    "displayAddress": "y",
    "listingAgentID": "8675301",
    "listingOfficeID": "lmnop",
    "sample_mlsPtID": "1",
    "sample_mlsPhotoCount": "39",
    "parentPtID": "1",
    "detailsURL": "a000/5362657",
    "idxID": "a000",
    "idxPropType": "Residential",
    "idxStatus": "active",
    "viewCount": "2",
    "mediaData": [],
    "ohCount": "0",
    "vtCount": "0",
    "featured": "n",
    "image": {
        "0": {
            "url": "http://cdn.photos.ample_mls.com/az/20151113223546806109000000.jpg",
            "caption": "17596-20"
        "totalCount": "39"
    "fullDetailsURL": "http://sample_return.idxbroker.com/idx/details/listing/a000/5362657/20-Ingram-Street-Forrest-Hills-NY-11375"
"a000!%5358959": {
    "address": "177A Bleecker Street",
    "streetName": "Bleecker Street",
    "streetNumber": "177",
    "streetDirection": "N",
    "unitNumber": "A",
    "cityName": "Greenwich Village",
    "countyName": "New York",
    "state": "NY",
    "zipcode": "10012",
    "listingPrice": "$616,000,000",
    "listingID": "5358959",
    "remarksConcat": "Home to Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange(Doctor Strange in Marvel comics) and his faithful bodyguard and manservant Wong. Spider-Man often visits the Doctor for help when battling those with magic powers. Features: Wong's Storage Cellar, Strange's bedchambers, guest quarters, Wong's bedchamber, Study, Meditain Chamber, Library, Storage Area for Occult Artifacts.",
    "rntLse": "neither",
    "propStatus": "Active",
    "bedrooms": "2",
    "totalBaths": "2.75",
    "latitude": "40.729117",
    "longitude": "-74.000773",
    "acres": "0.31",
    "sqFt": "206800000000",
    "displayAddress": "y",
    "listingAgentID": "8675301",
    "listingOfficeID": "lmnop",
    "sample_mlsPtID": "1",
    "sample_mlsPhotoCount": "34",
    "parentPtID": "1",
    "detailsURL": "a000/5358959",
    "idxID": "a000",
    "idxPropType": "Residential",
    "idxStatus": "active",
    "viewCount": "6",
    "mediaData": [],
    "ohCount": "0",
    "vtCount": "0",
    "featured": "y",
    "image": {
        "0": {
            "url": "http://cdn.photos.sample_mls.com/az/20151105214013253867000000.jpg",
            "caption": "Front"
        "totalCount": "34"
    "fullDetailsURL": "http://sample_return.idxbroker.com/idx/details/listing/a000/5358959/177A-Bleecker-Street-Greenwich-Village-NY-10012"

swift viewController

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController,UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate {

//final let urlString = "http://microblogging.wingnity.com/JSONParsingTutorial/jsonActors"
final let urlString = "https://api.idxbroker.com/clients/featured"

@IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!

var nameArray = [String]()
var dobArray = [String]()
var imgURLArray = [String]()

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


func downloadJsonWithTask() {

    let url = NSURL(string: urlString)

    var downloadTask = URLRequest(url: (url as URL?)!, cachePolicy: URLRequest.CachePolicy.reloadIgnoringCacheData, timeoutInterval: 20)

/************** Get Users Accesy Key for API CALL *************************/
    var key = String()
    let textFieldKeyConstant = "AccessKey"

    let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
    if let textFieldValue = defaults.string(forKey: textFieldKeyConstant) {
        key = textFieldValue

    print(key) //accesskey debug
/******************** End Get accessKey *************************************/

/******************** Add Headers required for API CALL *************************************/
    downloadTask.setValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
    downloadTask.setValue(key, forHTTPHeaderField: "accesskey")
    downloadTask.setValue("json", forHTTPHeaderField: "outputtype")

    downloadTask.httpMethod = "GET"
    /******************** End Headers required for API CALL *************************************/

    URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: downloadTask, completionHandler: {(data, response, error) -> Void in

    let jsonData = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .allowFragments)

print(jsonData ?? "Default")

/******** Parse JSON **********/

/******** End Parse JSON **********/

/******** Reload table View **********/
        })        }).resume()
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return nameArray.count
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell") as! TableViewCell
    cell.nameLabel.text = nameArray[indexPath.row]
    cell.dobLabel.text = dobArray[indexPath.row]

    let imgURL = NSURL(string: imgURLArray[indexPath.row])

    if imgURL != nil {
        let data = NSData(contentsOf: (imgURL as URL?)!)
        cell.imgView.image = UIImage(data: data! as Data)

    return cell

///for showing next detailed screen with the downloaded info
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {

    let vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "DetailViewController") as! DetailViewController
    vc.imageString = imgURLArray[indexPath.row]
    vc.nameString = nameArray[indexPath.row]
    vc.dobString = dobArray[indexPath.row]

    self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)

ios json swift

对于swift3 [String:Any],它是一个带有键的字典,在Swift中有String和Any类型,它描述了任何类型的值

 do {
      let parsedData = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: []) as! [String:Any]

    } catch let error as NSError {

例如 :

if  let info = parsedData["a000!%5362657"] as? [String : String]{
    if let address = info["address"]  {


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