我创建了一个函数,它可以在 VBA 中提供逼真函数的日志;该函数需要输入 3 个参数:独立范围(x)、相关范围(y)和 beta 值(B)
option base 1
Public Function LogVerosimilitud(RangoX As Range, RangoY As Range, B As Range) As Variant
Dim n%, m%, i%, j%, k%, X() As Variant, p() As Variant, q() As Variant, g As Double, V() As Variant
Dim acumula As Double, LogVero As Double
If B.Rows.Count > B.Columns.Count Then
Application.Transpose (B)
End If
g = 0
n = RangoX.Rows.Count
m = B.Columns.Count
k = 0
ReDim X(n, m)
ReDim p(n)
ReDim q(n)
ReDim V(n)
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To m
If j = 1 Then
X(i, j) = 1
k = k + 1
X(i, j) = RangoX(i, k)
End If
Next j
k = 0
Next i
For i = 1 To n
For j = 1 To m
g = g + X(i, j) * B(1, j)
Next j
p(i) = Exp(g) / (1 + Exp(g))
q(i) = 1 - p(i)
g = 0
Next i
For i = 1 To n
V(i) = RangoY(i) * Application.Ln(p(i)) + (1 - RangoY(i)) * Application.Ln(q(i))
Next i
LogVerosimilitud = Application.Sum(V)
End Function
因为我无法直接在 UDF 中使用求解器,所以我想在特定单元格中运行我的函数,然后在另一个单元格中运行一个辅助函数,该函数调用我试图在其中运行 Excel 求解器的子函数
Sub Solver(Target, Rango)
SolverOk SetCell:=Target.Address, MaxMinVal:=1, ValueOf:=0, ByChange:=Rango.Address, _
Engine:=1, EngineDesc:="GRG Nonlinear"
End Sub
Public Function LOGIT(LogVero As Range, B As Range) As Boolean
Debug.Print LogVero.Address
Debug.Print B.Address
Call Solver(LogVero.Address, B.Address)
End Function
但是当运行 LOGIT 函数时,我在运行 LOGIT 函数的单元格中出现 #Value 错误
Necroposting:如果您执意要使用 Excel 和 VBA 执行逻辑回归,您不妨使用一个直接为您提供回归系数估计值的函数。
这里有一个方法:找到对数似然函数的梯度和粗麻布矩阵,并使用牛顿法和方便的种子(在其他地方使用截距参数和 0 值系数的矩量法),拟合模型直到成功可以满足标准或触发故障保护。
Option Compare Binary
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Public Function logistic_regressor( _
ByRef X As Range, ByRef y As Range, Optional ByRef fit_intercept As Boolean = True _
) As Variant
' An implementation of the classic logistic regression using VBA and Newton's method.
' Parameters
' ----------
' `ByRef X As Range`
' The feature matrix.
' `ByRef y As Range`
' The response array.
' `Optional ByRef fit_intercept As Boolean = True`
' An optional flag controlling whether an additional intercept parameter should be fit.
' Defaults to `True`.
' Returns
' -------
' An array of regression coefficients (including the intercept parameter, at the end) or xlErrNA, if the
' numerical solver did not converge.
Dim proba As Variant, res() As Double, sigma() As Double, delta_b As Variant
Dim X_ As Variant, X_T As Variant, y_ As Variant
Dim g As Variant, h As Variant, b() As Double
Dim size As Long, ndim As Long, i As Long
Dim check As Boolean, niter As Long
Dim intercept_ As Double
Const EPS As Double = 0.00001
Const MAXITER As Long = 100
size = X.Rows.Count
ndim = X.Columns.Count + IIf(fit_intercept, 1, 0)
X_ = X.Value
y_ = y.Value
If fit_intercept Then
ReDim Preserve X_(1 To size, 1 To ndim) As Variant
For i = 1 To size
X_(i, ndim) = 1#
End If
ReDim b(1 To ndim, 1 To 1) As Double
ReDim res(1 To size, 1 To 1) As Double
ReDim sigma(1 To size, 1 To size) As Double
With WorksheetFunction
If fit_intercept Then b(ndim, 1) = Log(.Average(y) / (1# - .Average(y)))
X_T = .Transpose(X_)
check = False
niter = 0
While Not (check Or niter > MAXITER)
niter = niter + 1
proba = .MMult(X_, b)
For i = 1 To size
proba(i, 1) = 1# / (1# + Exp(-proba(i, 1)))
res(i, 1) = y_(i, 1) - proba(i, 1)
sigma(i, i) = -proba(i, 1) * (1# - proba(i, 1))
g = .MMult(X_T, res)
h = .MMult(.MMult(X_T, sigma), X_)
delta_b = .MMult(.MInverse(h), g)
check = Sqr(.SumSq(delta_b)) <= EPS
For i = 1 To ndim
b(i, 1) = b(i, 1) - delta_b(i, 1)
End With
If check Then
If fit_intercept Then
intercept_ = b(ndim, 1)
For i = ndim To 2 Step -1
b(i, 1) = b(i - 1, 1)
b(1, 1) = intercept_
End If
logistic_regressor = b
logistic_regressor = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End If
End Function
打开 Excel,打开 VBA 编辑器 (ALT+F11),创建一个新模块,复制并粘贴上述代码,编辑任意单元格并向下键入
= logistic_regressor(X, y)
,其中 X
和 y