如何生成随机字符串? [重复]

问题描述 投票:1回答:6


我只是想问一下,比如从Random.randint(a, b)那里取随机数


#This program will play a little game

import random

a = ''
b = ''
c = ''
d = ''
e = ''
f = ''

print('Hi. Please enter your name in letters')
name = str(input())
print('Hi ' + name + '. I am going to play a little game. In this game you have to guess a specific name i am thinking right now.')
print('But do not worry. I am going to let you to enter 6 names and i will choose one of them.')
print('After that you have to answer the correct name that i am thinking right now')
print('Please enter the first name in letters')
name1 = str(input())
print('Please enter the second name in letters')
name2 = str(input())
print('Please enter the third name in letters')
name3 = str(input())
print('Please enter the fourth name in letters')
name4 = str(input())
print('Please enter the fifth name in letters')
name5 = str(input())
print('Please enter the sixth name in letters')
name6 = str(input())
name1 = a
name2 = b
name3 = c
name4 = d
name5 = e
name6 = f

print('Alright ' + name + ' . Thank you for entering the names.')
secretname = random.randint(a, f)
for i in range(2):
        print('Now enter the name that i am thinking of.')
        ans = str(input())
        if ans != secretname:
                print('Wrong. Guess another name')

if ans == secretname:
        print('Good job ' + name)
        print('Wrong. The name i was thinking of was ' + secretname)


My Working Version

import random

print('Hi. Please enter your name in letters')
yourname = str(input())
print('Hi ' + yourname + '. I am going to play a little game. In this game you have to guess a specific name i am thinking right now.\nBut do not worry. I am going to let you to enter 6 names and i will choose one of them.\nAfter that you have to answer the correct name that i am thinking right now\nPlease enter the first name in letters')

name = ["", "", "", "", "", ""]
number = ["first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth"]

def insert(n):
    temp = name.copy()
    name[n] = str(input("name " + str(n + 1) + ": "))
    if name[n] in temp:
        print("[error]: ---> This name exists yet, try again")
        print(">>>", end='')

for n in range(6):
    print('Please enter the ' + number[n] + ' name in letters')

print('Alright ' + yourname + ' . Thank you for entering the names.')
secretname = name[random.randint(0, 6)]
print("Soluzion: ", secretname)
print("-" * 10)
for i in range(2):
    print('Now enter the name that i am thinking of.')
    ans = str(input())
    if ans != secretname:
        print('Wrong. Guess another name')

if ans == secretname:
    print('Good job ' + yourname)
    print('Wrong. The name i was thinking of was ' + secretname)


Hi. Please enter your name in letters Gio Hi Gio. I am going to play a
little game. In this game you have to guess a specific name i am
thinking right now. But do not worry. I am going to let you to enter 6
names and i will choose one of them. After that you have to answer the
correct name that i am thinking right now Please enter the first name
in letters 
name 0: Giovanni
Please enter the first name in letters
name 1: Marta
Please enter the second name in letters
name 2: Giovanni
[error]: ---> This name exists yet, try again
>>>name 2: Giovanni
[error]: ---> This name exists yet, try again
>>>name 2: Carlo
Please enter the third name in letters 
name 3: Mimmo Please enter the fourth name in letters 
name 4: June
Please enter the fifth name in letters
name 5: Caterina Please enter the sixth name in letters
Alright Gio . Thank you for entering the names.
Solution: Mimmo
Now enter the name that i am thinking of.
Wrong. Guess another name Now enter the name that i am thinking of.
Good job Gio
python random
import string
import random
def random_string(length):
    return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for m in xrange(length))

print random_string(10)
print random_string(5)




你好M. Husnain,

Chr() Function

CHR(ⅰ) 返回表示Unicode代码点为整数i的字符的字符串。例如,chr(97)返回字符串'a',而chr(8364)返回字符串'€'。这是ord()的反转。




#This program will play a little game

import random

a = ''
b = ''
c = ''
d = ''
e = ''
f = ''

print('Hi. Please enter your name in letters')
name = raw_input()

print('Hi ' + name + '. I am going to play a little game. In this game you have to guess a specific name i am thinking right now.')
print('But do not worry. I am going to let you to enter 6 names and i will choose one of them.')
print('After that you have to answer the correct name that i am thinking right now')
print('Please enter the first name in letters')
name1 = raw_input()

print('Please enter the second name in letters')
name2 = raw_input()

print('Please enter the third name in letters')
name3 = raw_input()

print('Please enter the fourth name in letters')
name4 = raw_input()

print('Please enter the fifth name in letters')
name5 = raw_input()

print('Please enter the sixth name in letters')
name6 = raw_input()

print('Alright ' + name + ' . Thank you for entering the names.')

lists1 = [name1,name2,name3,name4,name5,name6]

secretname = lists1[random.randint(0,len(lists1))]

for i in range(2):
        print('Now enter the name that i am thinking of.')
        ans = raw_input()
        if ans != secretname:
                print('Wrong. Guess another name')

if ans == secretname:
     print('Good job ' + name)
    print('Wrong. The name i was thinking of was ' + secretname)

我希望我的回答很有帮助。 如果有任何疑问请评论。



my_string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
index = random.randint(0,25)
letter = my_string[index]




import string
alpha = string.ascii_uppercase
num = string.digits
''.join(random.choice(alpha + num) for _ in range(5)) #number you want



name_list = []
print('Please enter the first name in letters')
print('Please enter the second name in letters')


import random
secretname = random.choice(name_list)




base_chars = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', '1', '2', '3' ]
word_length = 10 #change this to the desired word length
[random.choice(base_chars) for _ in range(word_length)]


Random string - define your characters


Selecting a character randomly


char = chr(random.randint(0, 127))

Generating a random word


rand_str = ""
for _ in range(10):
     rand_str += chr(random.randint(0, 127))
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