我正在使用 Playwright 编写我的 e2e 测试。我一直在使用 beforeEach 钩子,但我决定使用全局设置会更好。然而,存储状态似乎没有正确传递给测试本身,或者我的整个实现可能是错误的。
import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
export default defineConfig({
globalSetup: "./global-setup.ts",
testDir: './tests',
retries: 2, // Set the number of retries here
reporter: [['html'], ['list']],
use: {
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8080/velocity_builder',
headless: true,
screenshot: 'only-on-failure',
storageState: './storageState.json'
workers: 4,
timeout: 30000,
import { expect, Browser, chromium, Page } from '@playwright/test';
import { BuilderPage } from './tests/BuilderPage';
async function globalSetup() {
const browser: Browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false })
const context = await browser.newContext()
const page: Page = await context.newPage()
const builderPage = new BuilderPage(page); // initialize a new builder page object
await page.goto('http://localhost:8080'); // go to the builder
await builderPage.initializeBuilder(); // initialize the builder by clicking a blank applet
// Ensure panels are visible
await expect(builderPage.panels.document).toBeVisible();
await expect(builderPage.panels.quickView).toBeVisible();
await expect(builderPage.panels.properties).toBeVisible();
// Ensure buttons are visible
await expect(builderPage.saveButton).toBeVisible();
await expect(builderPage.previewButton).toBeVisible();
await expect(builderPage.automationButton).toBeVisible();
await expect(builderPage.globalizationButton).toBeVisible();
await expect(builderPage.addButton).toBeVisible();
// Click on the add button and ensure toolbox panel is visible
await builderPage.addButton.click();
await expect(builderPage.panels.toolbox).toBeVisible();
// Store session state (e.g., cookies) for further use in tests
const storageState = await page.context().storageState({ path: 'storageState.json' });
await browser.close()
export default globalSetup
import { test, expect, Page } from '@playwright/test';
import { BuilderPage } from './BuilderPage';
test.describe.configure({ mode: 'parallel', retries: 4 }); // Runs the test in the file in parallel mode and retries them 4 times if they fail
test.describe('Element Style Tests', () =\> {
// let page: Page;
let builderPage: BuilderPage;
test('Check Header Style', async () =\> {
await builderPage.addElementToDocument('Header');
const isElementInQuickView = await builderPage.verifyElementInQuickView();
const types = [
'Header (Branded)',
'Header (Decorative)',
for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); // You might want to replace this with a better synchronization method
await builderPage.checkHeaderStyleChange(types[i]);
"cookies": \[\],
"origins": \[
"origin": "http://localhost:8080",
"localStorage": \[
"name": "flowplayerTestStorage",
"value": "test"
test results terminal
Running global setup if any…
cookies: \[\],
origins: \[ { origin: 'http://localhost:8080', localStorage: \[Array\] } \]
Running 1 test using 1 worker
x 1 testStyles.spec.ts:9:9 › Element Style Tests › Check Header Style (11ms)
x 2 testStyles.spec.ts:9:9 › Element Style Tests › Check Header Style (retry #1) (11ms)
x 3 testStyles.spec.ts:9:9 › Element Style Tests › Check Header Style (retry #2) (12ms)
x 4 testStyles.spec.ts:9:9 › Element Style Tests › Check Header Style (retry #3) (11ms)
x 5 testStyles.spec.ts:9:9 › Element Style Tests › Check Header Style (retry #4) (11ms)
1) testStyles.spec.ts:9:9 › Element Style Tests › Check Header Style ─────────────────────────────
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'addElementToDocument')
8 | let builderPage: BuilderPage;
9 | test('Check Header Style', async () => {
> 10 | await builderPage.addElementToDocument('Header');
| ^
11 | const isElementInQuickView = await builderPage.verifyElementInQuickView();
12 | expect(isElementInQuickView).toBe(true);
13 |
您需要先创建一个 builderPage 实例。
let builderPage: BuilderPage;
test('Check Header Style', async ({ page }) => {
builderPage = new BuilderPage(page)
await builderPage.addElementToDocument('Header');