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struct InVertex {
  packed_float3 pos;
  packed_uchar4 color;

vertex ProjectedVertex vertexShader(const device InVertex *vertexArray [[buffer(0)]],
                                    const unsigned int vertexId [[vertex_id]]){

  InVertex in = vertexArray[vertexId];


但是我想使缓冲区声明“动态”。 IE浏览器,我希望我的着色器能够处理缓冲区类型,例如:

struct InVertex1 {
  packed_float3 pos;
  packed_uchar4 color;

struct InVertex2 {
  float4 pos;
  flat4 color;

struct InVertex3 {
  float4 pos;
  flat4: tangent;
  flat4 color;



vertex ProjectedVertex vertexShader(const device ???? *vertexArray [[buffer(0)]],
                                    const unsigned int vertexId [[vertex_id]]
                                    const device int vertexType [[buffer(1)]] ){

  if vertexType = InVertex1Type {
    ... handle InVertex1 type ...
  else if vertexType = InVertex2Type {  
    ... handle InVertex2 type ...
  else if vertexType = InVertex3Type {  
    ... handle InVertex3 type ...

ios xcode shader metal metalkit


//  Header containing types and enum constants shared between Metal shaders and Swift/ObjC source
#ifndef ShaderTypes_h
#define ShaderTypes_h

#ifndef __METAL_VERSION__
/// 96-bit 3 component float vector type
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) packed_float3 {
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
} packed_float3;

typedef struct
    packed_float3 pos;
    packed_uchar4 color;
} InVertex1;

typedef struct
    vector_float4 pos;
    vector_float4 color;
} InVertex2;

typedef struct
    vector_float4 pos;
    vector_float4 tangent;
    vector_float4 color;

} InVertex3;

enum VertexType {InVertex1Type = 0, InVertex2Type = 1, InVertex3Type = 2};

typedef struct
    InVertex1 InVertex1;
    InVertex2 InVertex2;
    InVertex3 InVertex3;
    VertexType vertexType;
} dynamicStruct;

#endif /* ShaderTypes_h */


    // Include header shared between C code here, which executes Metal API commands, and .metal files
    #import "ShaderTypes.h"

    id <MTLBuffer> _dynamicBuffer;
    void InitBuffer(id<MTLDevice> device)
        _dynamicBuffer = [device newBufferWithLength:sizeof(dynamicStruct) options:MTLResourceStorageModeShared];

    void UpdateBuffer()
        dynamicStruct* ds = (dynamicStruct*)_dynamicBuffer.contents;

        ds->InVertex1.color = {0, 0, 0, 0};
        ds->InVertex2.pos = {0, 1, 1, 1};
        ds->InVertex3.tangent = {1, 1, 1, 1};
        // Select specific struct
        ds->vertexType = VertexType::InVertex2Type;

- (void)drawInMTKView:(nonnull MTKView *)view


     // Pass your dynamic buffer to the shader.
    [renderEncoder setVertexBuffer:_dynamicBuffer offset:0 atIndex:0];



// Including header shared between this Metal shader code and Swift/C code executing Metal API commands
#import "ShaderTypes.h"

vertex ProjectedVertex vertexShader(constant dynamicStruct & dynamicStruct[[ buffer(0) ]],
                                    const unsigned int vertexId [[vertex_id]])

    InVertex1 v1;
    InVertex2 v2;
    InVertex3 v3;

    if(dynamicStruct.vertexType == VertexType::InVertex1Type)
        v1 = dynamicStruct.InVertex1;
    else if(dynamicStruct.vertexType == VertexType::InVertex2Type)
        v2 = dynamicStruct.InVertex2;
    else if(dynamicStruct.vertexType == VertexType::InVertex3Type)
        v3 = dynamicStruct.InVertex3;

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