如何解决 Jupyter Notebook 中的“内存不足”错误?

问题描述 投票:0回答:2


for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root_directory):  
    dirname = path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
    if dirname == 'images':   #Find all 'images' directories
        images = os.listdir(path)  #List of all image names in this subdirectory
        for i, image_name in enumerate(images):  
            if image_name.endswith(".tif"):   #Only read jpg images...
                image = cv2.imread(path+"/"+image_name, 1)  #Read each image as BGR
                SIZE_X = (image.shape[1]//patch_size)*patch_size #Nearest size divisible by our patch size
                SIZE_Y = (image.shape[0]//patch_size)*patch_size #Nearest size divisible by our patch size
                image = Image.fromarray(image)
                image = image.crop((0 ,0, SIZE_X, SIZE_Y))  #Crop from top left corner
                #image = image.resize((SIZE_X, SIZE_Y))  #Try not to resize for semantic segmentation
                image = np.array(image)             
                #Extract patches from each image
                print("Now patchifying image:", path+"/"+image_name)
                patches_img = patchify(image, (patch_size, patch_size, 3), step=patch_size)  #Step=256 for 256 patches means no overlap
                for i in range(patches_img.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(patches_img.shape[1]):
                        single_patch_img = patches_img[i,j,:,:]
                        #Use minmaxscaler instead of just dividing by 255. 
                        single_patch_img = scaler.fit_transform(single_patch_img.reshape(-1, single_patch_img.shape[-1])).reshape(single_patch_img.shape)
                        #single_patch_img = (single_patch_img.astype('float32')) / 255. 
                        single_patch_img = single_patch_img[0] #Drop the extra unecessary dimension that patchify adds.                               

但它显示错误“内存不足”并立即关闭。我使用 32GB 内存和 1660Ti GPU。图像为 5000X5000 像素,我的数据集大小为 12.7GB。

python image-processing jupyter-notebook out-of-memory

如果您在 Jupyter 笔记本中加载文件并将其内容存储在变量中,则只要该变量存在并且笔记本正在运行,底层 Python 进程就会保留分配给该数据的内存。如果 Python 的垃圾收集器检测到不再需要数据,它将再次释放内存(在大多数情况下)。如果删除就是这种情况,例如通过使用 del,如果变量被其他内容覆盖或者超出范围(函数末尾的局部变量)。


同一类问题的完全不同原因可能是 Jupyter 中的错误。此类错误称为内存泄漏,通常发生在长时间运行的服务器进程中。即使它们在 Python 中发生的可能性较小,但 Jupyter 也有一些错误报告。在这种情况下,唯一的解决方法可能是重新启动 Jupyter 进程。在其他情况下,我建议这样做。


jupyter nbconvert --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True --inplace yournotebookname.ipynb

从 anaconda 提示符终端运行此命令。

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