
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


typedef struct SimpleCommand {
    // Available space for arguments currently preallocated
    int _numberOfAvailableArguments;
    // Number of arguments
    int _numberOfArguments;
    // Array of arguments
    char *_arguments[];

例如:简单命令0:ls -la


typedef struct Command {
        int _numberOfAvailableSimpleCommands;
        int _numberOfSimpleCommands;
        SimpleCommand ** _simpleCommands;
        char * _outFile;
        char * _inputFile;
        char * _errFile;
        int _background;
        int outputAppend;

然后,我将能够构造一个新的Simple命令,并将其插入第1行。然后,我将具有:Command-> simpleCommands [0] = simpleCommand 0Command-> simpleCommands [1] = simpleCommand 1

到目前为止,我已经能够创建并验证简单的命令是否正常工作。这是我尝试将简单命令插入命令-> simplecommands指针的操作:

void insertSimpleCommand(SimpleCommand * simpleCommand, Command * command ){
    command->_simpleCommands = realloc(command->_simpleCommands, sizeof(simpleCommand)*3);
    SimpleCommand * tempCommand = simpleCommand;

    command->_simpleCommands[command->_numberOfSimpleCommands] = tempCommand;

    command->_numberOfSimpleCommands++; //increase the number of simple commands in the commands

当我以这种方式进行操作时,接下来会发生的是,旧命令-> simpleCommands [0]被新的simpleCommand覆盖。我可以做些什么,以便正确地将这些简单的命令一个接一个地添加,并在以后全部访问?


#include <stdio.h>
#include "y.tab.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

// Describes a simple command and arguments
typedef struct SimpleCommand {
    // Available space for arguments currently preallocated
    int _numberOfAvailableArguments;
    // Number of arguments
    int _numberOfArguments;
    // Array of arguments
    char *_arguments[];

// Describes a complete command with the multiple pipes if any
// and input/output redirection if any.
typedef struct Command {
        int _numberOfAvailableSimpleCommands;
        int _numberOfSimpleCommands;
        SimpleCommand ** _simpleCommands;
        char * _outFile;
        char * _inputFile;
        char * _errFile;
        int _background;
        int outputAppend;

void insertSimpleCommand( SimpleCommand * simpleCommand, Command * command );
void insertArgument(SimpleCommand *command, char * argument );

int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
    //initialize the global currentsimplecommand struct
    SimpleCommand *_currentSimpleCommand = malloc(sizeof(*_currentSimpleCommand) + sizeof(char[50]));
    _currentSimpleCommand->_numberOfArguments = 0;
    _currentSimpleCommand->_numberOfAvailableArguments = 1;
    _currentSimpleCommand->_arguments[_currentSimpleCommand->_numberOfArguments] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 50);

    //SET UP COMMAND struct
    Command *_currentCommand = (Command*)malloc(2 * sizeof(Command));
    _currentCommand->_numberOfSimpleCommands = 0;
    _currentCommand->_background = 0;
    _currentCommand->outputAppend = 0;

    insertSimpleCommand(_currentSimpleCommand, _currentCommand);

    insertSimpleCommand(_currentSimpleCommand, _currentCommand);

    for (int i = 0; i < _currentCommand->_numberOfSimpleCommands; i++){
         printf("\n\nTEST: %d   %s\n\n", i, _currentCommand->_simpleCommands[i]->_arguments[0]);
        THE OUTPUT OF THIS WILL PRODUCE THE SAME ARGUMENT[0] regardless fo the row we are on!


void insertSimpleCommand(SimpleCommand * simpleCommand, Command * command ){
    command->_simpleCommands = realloc(command->_simpleCommands, sizeof(simpleCommand)* command->_numberOfSimpleCommands);
    SimpleCommand * tempCommand = simpleCommand;
    command->_simpleCommands[command->_numberOfSimpleCommands] = tempCommand;
    command->_numberOfSimpleCommands++; //increase the number of simple commands in the commands

//insert argument into simple command
void insertArgument(SimpleCommand *command, char * argument ) {
    //allocate space for the new command
    command->_arguments[command->_numberOfArguments] = (char*)realloc(command->_arguments[command->_numberOfArguments], sizeof(char*) * strlen(argument));
    strcpy(command->_arguments[command->_numberOfArguments], argument);
    command->_arguments[command->_numberOfArguments+1] = NULL;

//clears the simple command for the next one
void clear(SimpleCommand *command){
    SimpleCommand *_currentSimpleCommand = malloc(sizeof(*_currentSimpleCommand) + sizeof(char[50]));
    _currentSimpleCommand->_numberOfArguments = 0;
    _currentSimpleCommand->_numberOfAvailableArguments = 1;
    _currentSimpleCommand->_arguments[_currentSimpleCommand->_numberOfArguments] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 50);


我有两个结构,一个结构创建一个命令。另一个拥有这些命令的2D指针结构。 typedef struct SimpleCommand {//当前可用参数的可用空间...

c shell struct command malloc
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct SimpleCommand {
    int id;
    // Available space for arguments currently preallocated
    int _numberOfAvailableArguments;
    // Number of arguments
    int _numberOfArguments;
    // Array of arguments
    char *_arguments[];

typedef struct Command {
        int _numberOfAvailableSimpleCommands;
        int _numberOfSimpleCommands;
        SimpleCommand * _simpleCommands;
        char * _outFile;
        char * _inputFile;
        char * _errFile;
        int _background;
        int outputAppend;

void insertSimpleCommand(SimpleCommand * simpleCommand, Command * command ){

    memcpy(command->_simpleCommands+command->_numberOfSimpleCommands, simpleCommand, sizeof(SimpleCommand));

    command->_numberOfSimpleCommands++; //increase the number of simple commands in the commands
void main() {

    SimpleCommand s1;
    Command c;

    c._simpleCommands = malloc(sizeof(SimpleCommand)*3);

    s1.id = 1;

    insertSimpleCommand(&s1, &c);

    s1.id = 2;

    insertSimpleCommand(&s1, &c);



(gdb) r
Starting program: /tmp/s 

Breakpoint 1, main () at simplec2.c:38
38          c._simpleCommands = malloc(sizeof(SimpleCommand)*3);
(gdb) n
40          s1.id = 1;
42          insertSimpleCommand(&s1, &c);
44          s1.id = 2;
46          insertSimpleCommand(&s1, &c);
48          exit(0);
(gdb) p c._simpleCommands[0]
$1 = {id = 1, _numberOfAvailableArguments = 32767, _numberOfArguments = 0, _arguments = 0x555555756270}
(gdb) p c._simpleCommands[1]
$2 = {id = 2, _numberOfAvailableArguments = 32767, _numberOfArguments = 0, _arguments = 0x555555756280}
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